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Moradin, God of Invention



Moradin is the deity of craft, creation, and legacy. He is the patron of craftsmen, blacksmiths, architects, artisans, and inventors, granting inspiration where respect and prayer are given. Once said to appear dwarven blacksmith, Moradin's form has seemed to evolve with the inventions of his followers. He now takes on the appearance of a divine clockwork figure.  

Relationships with other Gods

Moradin has a complex relationship with many other gods in the Sadur Basin. He holds dominion over ideas that are often associated often associated with anti-divine ideologies and many other gods are not happy with the fact that he does not seem entirely against such an outlook. The industries he supports often are seen as opposed to the natural environment, and his relationship with nature gods have suffered as a result. He is also closely allied with Ephara, God of the Polis, and the two share a love for mortal ingenuity often scorned by other gods. However his followers are also responsible for many of the greatest works, statues, and temples to other gods and provides Moradin much divine goodwill from his fellow deities.  


Moradin is an incredibly popular deity, worshiped across the Sadur Basin. The Church of Moradin is the formal organization to his following, with a hierarchical structure of bishops and priests that preside over large congregations. The massive churches built for his worship also often double as trade schools where young people can apprentice with master crafters.


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