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Kormir, the Matriarch

Kormir was once a human woman. She was the first daughter of Sovereign Kaumb the Cowardly of the ancient Sovreigndom of Auld. She seized the throne by allying with the coup against her father's reign, and immediately solidified herself as a fair but ruthless leader of men by harnessing the masses' zeal and leading the charge into the feywood in what would later be known as the first exalted march.   Despite Kormir's haste for battle, she was firmly disgusted by bullies, warmongers, and opportunists. Her second agenda was always to instil chivalry in her people, an art which had been lost when her cowardly father sat on the throne.   Kormir adopted the name Sword-Saint during her time as a warrior queen. She knew she would be a terrible ruler in peacetime, but once there was peace, she could rest her burdens in the hands of the capable. Her ethics were recorded by philosophers the world over, a poetic soldier with bluest of blood who fought shoulder by shoulder with her troops.   It was prophecized that Kormir would sacrifice herself for humanity so that they might gain the strength to fight without her. This prophecy was only a half-truth. In her final march against the helltear, she and her armies managed to stopper its growth permanently, but could not close it, even slightly. After this point, Kormir was too old to charge with her men and was forced to fight from her command tent, a role she could not reconcile. She relinquished the throne willingly to her favoured general and retreated to the newly built city of Pilgrim's Rise, where she sought an audience with a power that had guided her through her greatest trials. In her research of this power, Kormir's life drew short, and in a final bid to reach out, she offered her own life as kindling for a ritual to speak to the heavens. It was here when she ascended to a living thought, becoming the voice and will of the celestial realm.   Many tried to copy Kormir's ascension, but none could muster the power or pure will to ascend, merely dying like all other mortals.   Alignment: Lawful Good   Follower Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral   Divine Ability: Charisma, Strength   Divine Skill: Diplomacy   Favoured Weapon: Swords   Primary Domains: Duty, Truth, Healing, Might   Alternate Domains: Wealth   Divine Font: Heal   Edicts: Preserve civilisation, strive for truth wherever it can be found, and protect innocents who cannot protect themselves   Anathema: Aid in destroying civilisation, break a sworn oath
A depiction of Kormir the Matriarch, painted before her ascension to godhood by an unknown artist and kept preserved for millennia with magic.


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