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Lokar, Lord of Penitance

Lokar was once the most dangerous and sinful man in the material realm. He was ruthless in his pursuit of power, slaughtering millions, lying, deceiving, and taking. He was a leader of wicked men, exploiting his complete knowledge of their nature and bending them to do his bidding. His drive for power was rewarded as he finally found the solution to the quandary which confounded him. How does a mortal man live forever?   The answer to Lokar's question has been expunged from the annals of history for its deeply heretical implications. In addition, it is said that such a ritual would call for a heavy price, millions of lives are not worth a single man's eternity.   Lokar's newfound immortality left him weakened, and this opportunity was not wasted. He was captured and executed. This execution was unsuccessful, as were there subsequent hundred attempts. At last, they found a solution. Lokar would be imprisoned for eternity in a place nobody would ever be able to free him. A wasteland devoid of all life and magic. Thirty mages dragged Lokar into the endless sands with the intention to be lost forever, and they each gave their lives in a sacrificial ritual to imprison him in an arcane crucifixion in the air, fueled by Lokar's own magic. And so he was trapped, for millennia.   Lokar's body would never move again, trapped in a perpetual crucifixion to this day, but his mind worked still. All time became meaningless to him as he pondered his life down to the last second, determined not to lose himself to his imprisonment. It is unknown what revelation came to Lokar after all those years, but it cleared the path for his mind to leave his body behind, and for him to ascend to the celestial realm in death. But he did not join the dead, instead coming face to face with Kormir, the Matriarch, who saw his heart anew, humbled by his torment, and forgave him his transgressions.   From that day on, Lokar shepherded the mortals he once despised in the revelations which come with penance.   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Follower Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Lawful Evil   Divine Ability: Constitution, Wisdom   Divine Skill: Society   Favoured Weapon: Whip   Primary Domains: Perfection, Pain, Vigil, Change   Alternate Domains: Dust   Divine Font: Heal, Harm
The body of Lokar imprisoned by magic in the Forgotten Sands millennia ago. Today this prison can be found on Bridewell Island.


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