The Third Committee: LANCER


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In the year 5016u, there are trillions of humans in the galaxy. At the core of Union, the galaxy-spanning utopian government, there is a golden age. Outside of Union's relatively narrow view, however, the revolutionary project continues.   The galaxy remains a dangerous place outside the Core. Rebellions, insurrections, piracy, wars – civil and interplanetary – continue to flare and burn their way through space, though only the most desperate conflicts require Union’s intervention. Disputes between Union’s subject states are common enough that there is still a need for militaries, militias, and mercenaries. Five major suppliers offer arms and armor to states and entities outside the Core that desire them. These manufacturers exist in delicate balance with Union: though the administrators regulate and the suppliers comply, these two philosophies– one of post-capital utopia and the other permanent and wild growth – rush toward an irreconcilable end.   Written by Miguel Lopez and Tom Parkinson Morgan