Church of the Icons

Church of the Icons


Origins and Growth

The Church of the Icons, the dominant religious faction in the Third Horizon, traces its origins to cultists and believers from the First Horizon who introduced the Icon faith to this realm. While most of these early cults have vanished, the Church of The Icons has flourished and become the youngest and most influential religious faction in the Horizon. They have achieved this by collecting, canonizing, and institutionalizing the diverse faiths that existed in the Horizon for centuries.  

Establishment of Sacred Rites

In CC 49, during a live Bulletin broadcast in Icon City on Mira, the Church officially documented the nine sacred rites, marking a crucial moment in their history. A ruling matriarch and patriarch, supported by an assembly of clergy, lead the Church today. Notably, the once-powerful Seekers have been marginalized within the faction, now seen as wise ascetics and prophets rather than influential figures. A key distinction between the Church's doctrine and Iconic folklore is the denial of the duality and vengefulness of The Icons' temperaments. Instead, the Church teaches that evil resides within humans themselves and is unleashed when the darkness between the stars enters their lives.  

The Circle of Seekers

While the Circle of Seekers persists, they are strongest on Sadaal, Mira and its sister systems, and Dabaran. Seeker status is granted only upon initiation into one of their circular monasteries, renowned for their mystical powers and control over the mystic's disease. Seekers are known for their negotiation skills and have mediated in conflicts such as the Geselem riots on Algol and the aftermath of the Menkar Moon massacre. They maintain a low profile in places like Coriolis, where they oversee meditative stone gardens for seekers of peace.  

The Missionaries

The primary mission of the Church of The Icons is to unite the peoples of the Horizon under one true faith. Missionary expeditions, often accompanied by Seekers, regularly depart from the core systems to the star arms. Wasimah Umm, an ex-Seeker turned Arch Herat, is a prominent member of the Church, known for her outspoken views on morality and ontology. The prophet Yesiel Marcos frequently appears on Bulletin morning shows to discuss "the Blight" and its impact. Father Sharif Afta on Coriolis has initiated numerous missionary expeditions, including the recent Taoan mission.  


Devotees of the Church often carry talismans representing their favored Icons, but the Church encourages the use of a silver sideways eight as a symbol of unity. This symbol signifies the eight visible Icons, with the empty spaces representing the enigmatic Faceless One. It also holds significance as the symbol of infinity in Dabaran mathematics.