Order of the Pariah

In the intricate tapestry of factions within the Third Horizon, the Order of the Pariah stands out for its dual nature. On Coriolis station, they are known as Samaritans, benevolent guardians of the weak and the oppressed. Driven by deep religious conviction and a commitment to the teachings of the Icons, these Samaritans are revered for their acts of charity and their unwavering support to those in need. They operate shelters, provide medical care, and serve as a beacon of hope to the destitute and the downtrodden.   Contrasting sharply with this benevolence is their other face — The Martyrs, a sect within the Order known for their religious zealotry and willingness to use violence to achieve their goals. The Martyrs view themselves as holy warriors, engaged in a sacred battle to protect the purity of their faith and the traditions of the Third Horizon from perceived corruption and external influences. They are feared for their militant actions, which range from aggressive proselytizing to outright acts of terrorism against those they deem as threats to their religious ideals.   This dichotomy makes the Order of the Pariah a complex and often paradoxical force in the Third Horizon. They are simultaneously protectors and aggressors, healers and destroyers, acting out of a fervent devotion to their beliefs. Their presence on Coriolis station and beyond is a constant reminder of the multifaceted nature of faith and the fine line between devotion and fanaticism in the vast expanse of the Third Horizon.  

The Emissaries

  The arrival of the Emissaries from Xene, particularly the claim by one of them to be the reincarnation of the Icon of the Judge, has provoked a vehement response from the Order of the Pariah, one of the most influential religious factions in the Third Horizon. Known for their devout worship of the Icons and their role as both Samaritans and the militant Martyrs, the Order's reaction to this claim has significant implications for the political and religious landscape of the Third Horizon.  

Declaration of Heresy

The Order of the Pariah has declared the emissary claiming to be the Icon of the Judge a heretic, challenging the very foundations of their faith. To the Order, this claim is not just a theological affront but a direct challenge to the established religious order that has governed their beliefs for centuries. The Order views this claim as a dangerous precedent that could undermine the sanctity of the Icons and lead to widespread religious turmoil.  

Demands and Threats

In a bold move, the Order has demanded that the Zenithian government and the Council of Factions on Coriolis station turn over the heretic emissary to them to stand trial for heresy. This demand puts the Zenithians and the Council in a precarious position, as acquiescing could set a precedent for religious factions to exert control over interstellar diplomatic matters.   The Order's threat to blockade the portals to their home system of Zalos escalates the situation further. Zalos, being a key system with strategic and religious significance, plays a crucial role in the trade and travel networks of the Third Horizon. A blockade would not only be a significant act of defiance against the Zenithian Hegemony but could also lead to widespread economic and political repercussions throughout the Horizon.  

Brewing Conflict

The Order’s stance has put them at odds with the Zenithian Hegemony, which has its own interests and agenda regarding the Emissaries from Xene. The Zenithians, known for their pragmatic approach and emphasis on stability and progress, view the Order's actions as a potential catalyst for widespread conflict.   The situation is a powder keg, with the potential for a major religious and political crisis. The Order’s unyielding stance and the Zenithians’ opposing interests could lead to a significant escalation, possibly even armed conflict, if a resolution is not found. Diplomatic efforts are underway, but the Order’s militant faction, The Martyrs, is already mobilizing, hinting at the possibility of direct action if their demands are not met.

"The End is Near"

A battle-hardened zealot of the Order of the Pariah.
Alternative Names
The Samaritans, The Martyrs