The Draconites

The Enigmatic Draconite Order


Few factions within the Third Horizon evoke such an air of mystery as the Draconite order. Renowned for their unwavering fearlessness, both on the battlefield and in diplomatic circles, they blur the line between combat and diplomacy. The origins of this faction can be traced to a segment of the Zenith's crew who valued determination and willpower above all else. Unwilling to be swayed by the discussions surrounding the colonists in stasis, they took matters into their own hands, awakening them independently. This act marked their departure from the Zenith, plunging them into obscurity. Their journey amidst the debris and ruins of abandoned worlds remains shrouded in legend and myth, turning them into elusive specters, spoken of but rarely seen.  

Tales suggest that their odyssey in the darkness between the stars transformed them into beings driven by cold and unyielding self-interest. When they resurfaced in the light of civilization, they emerged as a disciplined faction of warrior philosophers, harboring enigmatic truths that tantalized other factions. The secrets they harbor, their advanced technology bearing traces of the lost wisdom of ancient Horizons, remain an enigma. Whispers in the shadows hint at unspeakable pacts with obscure orders predating the Portal Wars or even alliances with entities beyond human comprehension. The Draconites, however, remain silent.  

The inner workings of their order are a well-guarded secret, seemingly organized into cells with strong leaders and minimal interaction between groups. Some speculate that hidden hands manipulate the faction from the shadows, guiding it toward a cryptic objective. One certainty is the existence of an apprenticeship system, where seasoned members mentor and educate novices in the mysteries of the order. Speculation abounds, with some suggesting that the Draconites operate within a series of concentric circles, each member striving for advancement toward the inner sanctum. Outsiders who have glimpsed the arcane rituals, where a Draconite warrior appears to transcend to a higher level of wisdom, support this theory.  

The Draconite philosophy fuels endless debate and fantastical theories. They emphasize conflict as a metaphysical concept, seeing it as a path to personal and collective growth. While this may seem overtly violent to many, others argue that it extends to inner conflict—a relentless battle against one's impure aspects, regardless of the cost. This philosophy aligns with their veneration of the Lady of Tears, particularly in her stern form as the Executioner. Her sword is always keen, ready not only for those who defy the order's traditions and codes but also for those lacking in inner fortitude. The Executioner safeguards those who control their destinies and embrace self-determination, even in choosing their own demise.  

The Secrets of the Draconites


The Draconites wield technology with glimpses of ancient wisdom lost to time. How they obtain this technology remains an enigma, sparking rumors of unholy pacts with enigmatic pre-Portal War orders or alliances with incomprehensible entities. The Draconites maintain their silence.  

The Enigmatic Organization


The Draconite order operates in secrecy, with cells led by strong leaders and minimal inter-group contact. A shroud of mystery surrounds their true organizational structure, leaving outsiders to speculate about hidden influences guiding their enigmatic pursuits.  

The Philosophy of Conflict


Conflict, in both personal and collective contexts, is central to the Draconite philosophy. It is seen as a crucible for growth, a relentless confrontation with one's inner demons. Their worship of the Lady of Tears, particularly as the Executioner, underscores their commitment to self-mastery and self-determination.  



The Draconite order remains an enigmatic presence within the Third Horizon, elusive and unpredictable. Their journey from the depths of the Zenith to the dark reaches of space, their mastery of advanced technology, and their unwavering commitment to their enigmatic philosophy all contribute to their aura of mystery. As they continue to navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries in the Coriolis universe, the true nature of their objectives remains hidden, leaving both allies and adversaries to speculate on the depths of the Draconite order's enigmatic wisdom.

"Through Conflict, We Uncover the Truth"

Geopolitical, Great house