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The Arrival of the Emissaries

Celestial / Cosmic


The mysterious beings emerge from the gas planet of Xene.

With the new age, balance and the grace of the Icons has returned to the Horizon. Trade and new Zenithian ways have replaced armed conflict and isolationism. Ancient traditions have been abandoned, which upset some of the factions. Luckily, the Council of Factions seemed to live up to its civilized reputation, and careful negotiations resolved issues that in the past would have resulted in bloodshed.   And then, the Emissaries arrived. It started with reports of faint sensor echoes from the depths of the gas giant Xene, and then they emerged – ghosts from another world. They arrived at the Foundation's research installation monitoring the gas giant, numbering five, and on an unknown mission. One of them remained at the station, three set off into the Horizon and the last one headed straight for Coriolis to demand a seat on the Council.

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