Energies of the Thirteen Realms

Energy flowed through all the realms, but changed as it shifted through each realm - celestial energy in the Supernal Triad turned to magicka in the Arcane Triad, magnetism in the Inspired Triad, and vitality in the Strength Triad before turning back to celestial. All realms had at least a little of each type of energy - but the Strength Triad had the least magicka of any Triad, and the Arcane Triad the least vitality.  
-Demon King's Gardener, "In Which Jurao Speaks With His Deity"
      Deities, being born from the combination of Primordial energy and celestial bodies, naturally produce energy known as celestial. This is the power of pure creation - the energy of the universe itself. It is with this power the deities first created their worlds and peoples to inhabit them - but once the Thirteen Realms were sealed, this once boundless energy was sealed as well. It created a circuit through the realms, which came to be known as the Cycle.    In each Triad, one outer ring realm acted as a natural repository later known as a Well - the realm in which energy underwent its change and is strongest in any realm. This mirrored the way the Primordial Realm first generates celestial energy, and produces the most of the three Supernal Realms.    In the Arcane Triad, celestial energy becomes magicka - a weakened form of creation power. As the inhabitants of this triad had been blessed with the power to create by their deities, this shift was not a surprise - as it indicated the energy was naturally influenced by the nature of the realms themselves. However, those attuned to magicka have bodies physically weaker than those from other triads - as they have far less need for physical strength or constitution in a magicka-rich environment.    In the Inspired Triad, magicka becomes magnetic energy. The deities of these realms had blessed their people with innovation and creation of a different means - that of technology. They had given gifts of tools to early members of their peoples rather than power, and encouraged their independance in forging ahead with tools of their own. As such, the energy of their realms being one that can be harnessed through technology rather than controlled directly like magicka was an equally fitting transformation.    In the Strength Triad, magnetic energy becomes vitality. The deities of these realms blessed their peoples with hardy bodies, wishing for them to be able to survive their harsh landscapes through sheer life force. While the inspired deities encouraged independance, the strength deities all but demand it - blessing those that prove themselves through feats and daring. As such, an energy that can only be grown through hard work - and not manipulated nor harnessed through outside means - was another suitable change.    Vitality transforms back into celestial energy as it returns to the Supernal Triad - it being the least akin to celestial energy in nature, being the most static of the four energies.

Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.

In Which a Demon King Does Not Have a Romantic Interest in His Human Gardener

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