Era before the establishment of the Three Kingdoms
The human Queral people appear through the portal at Portua. They are lead south by the Enchantress.
Group of Queral leave the Golden city and head east along the river, eventually settling at the river's source: Friginfonta (Coldspring).
A group of Queral leave the Golden City and head west. They reach the coast, then turn back to settle in the area of The Great City
Elven Sorcerers and the Queral Enchantress, with the help of kaluna, work together to build the Shield that will protect the Three Kingdoms by banishing magic.
Establishment of the Three Kingdoms in their present state
The united Three Kingdoms are established in the Treaty of the Plateau. Borders are drawn and have remained largely unchanged to the present day
Era of the unbroken line of Ecrien I
King Ranulph II of Arranholm dies with no direct heir. The Unbroken line of Ecrien I, that has lasted 253 yesrs, is ended. For the first time its history, the grand council is summond to decide who will take the throne.