The Three Skies

01/01/5000 P.M

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What is The Three Skies?

The Three Skies is a collaborative world building project between two authors that is attempting to combine high fantasy and steampunk settings. The root of its inspiration can be found in the the now defunct video game Worlds Adrift, which was a favourite of the two authors. However, this world has gone far beyond its original scope and has become something unto itself with a variety of influences from Mushoku Tensei to Malazan Book of the Fallen. The primary purpose of creating this world was to run a D&D campaign with some friends, but is also a creative outlet for writing and art.

What kind of world is The Three Skies?

Long ago the world was shattered in a war between the Gods and the Abyss, the land surged into the sky where it created thousands upon thousands of floating islands. During this time, mortals almost perished but they managed to cling to life and now flourish amongst these vast archipelago', travelling with skyships and making all the same mistakes mortals often do. The world of the Three Skies, as its now known, was split into three major rejoins: Caesula realm of the Gods, Tersulum realm of the mortals and the Abyss. The balance and true relationship between them is often a mystery.

World Primer

Explore the Setting

From the ephereal Caesula to the expansive Tersulum to the mysterious Abyss, explore the unique world of the Three Skies.

Beginning with these short descriptions, you can get a glimpse into the overall layout of the realm.

You can also view each regions topography with the interactive map.


Tersulum is the great planes of floating islands that most mortals live on. There are four main regions of Tersulum: Ralthis, Vantharle, Farsal and Delithar's Folly. There is a huge amount of variation, both in its geography and its people.

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Caesula is the current realm of the Gods. They retreated there after the Shattering during the time of Caesula's Mercy, putting as much distance between themselves and the abyss as possible, taking solace in their isolation.

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The Abyss

The Abyss originally came from below the earth but now it encompasses all the world below Tersulum. Home to lovecraftian creatures and malevolent gods, The Abyss is trule a place of danger and darkness.

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The Three Skies

Tomes of the Ordained