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Asael von Carstein Kurugari

Asael von Carstein (a.k.a. Asy)

Asael von Carstein, the son of vampire nobles and born a Dhampir, a half blooded. He grew up learning the stories and legends of heroes and knights saving people and princesses. Pharos would always take these stories well and it encouraged his adventuring side with him however with Asael he would always focus on what would happen with the villain and would always question why they would be imprisoned or given chances if what they did was hurt people. This led to his life until one day there was an unfortunate incident in the Keep that he and his family lived in concerning the crypt underneath. Due to this he was exiled by his family and sent off on his own. Asael couldn't be happier as we was tired of being stuck inside that place. He took the name Kurugari, one of his books about an ancient family sword, his family's armor (unknowingly) and went on his way.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He does not have much of an athletic physique but neither a big one, more average than anything else

Facial Features

He carries a scar over his left eye

Identifying Characteristics

red eyes, fangs, and pointy ears

Physical quirks

Smiling and grinning a lot, or rubbing the back of his head

Apparel & Accessories

He usually wears a burgundy red armor set

Specialized Equipment

Always goes into battle with a longsword or greatsword

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asael’s real last name is von Carstein but he goes by the last name Kurugari to anyone he meets after his past to which is the following: Asael was born into the von Carstein family who were vampire royals that were in charge of the Cathedrania. The keep was mostly vampire races working and living together in harmony and wanting peace with the other factions. The von Carstein have a checkered past as one of their ancestors were harsh in the way they treated outside forces, seeing means to an end. His mother was Kizu von Carstein and his father was Nazkin von Carstein. They had two children together, Pharos and Asael; with Pharos being the eldest of the two.   Asael being the younger sibling was not meant to inherit the keep but Pharos did not want it. Yet Asael was born a half blood, having not as much magical affinity that most vampires, and especially Pharos, he was not seen as a strong leader for the Cathedranians. This made Asael sort of envious of others and even his brother. They would grow up with their mother telling them the stories and legends of heroes and knights saving people and princesses. Pharos would always take these stories well and it encouraged his adventuring side with him however with Asael he would always focus on what would happen with the villain and would always question why they would be imprisoned or given chances if what they did was hurt people. This grew more Asael’s opinion to need to give those that harm others their due rather than the opposite and as he grew older this influenced his questioning of his parents orders.   One story in particular had to do with a great hero who lived long ago in times of their family’s uprising, his name was Revan von Carstein. It was told that he went to fight in a great battle against the wishes of the rest of the vampire’s leaders at the time, as they did not wish to involve themselves in mortal’s affairs. However Revan could not stand to stay still and watch the world burn around them and so he made off wearing a mask forged by dwarven smiths and wore it leading others who believed in his same ideals to battle. Throughout that time it was said he saved many and was even considered a military genius, needing to do what must be done, but always while keeping to his moral code even when others disagreed. He would put enemy officers to the sword while sparing the soldiers only following orders and even recruiting them to his army if they were worthy of mercy. It was also said that later on Revan had acquired or forged (the story is foggy here) a sword that was said to claim the souls of hundreds of Revan’s enemies.   However Asael’s father, Nazkin, would not like this story Asael would hear as he called Revan foolish and had called too much attention. This is why it is said in the tale that after his passing, many generations later Revan’s mask and the blade he wielded were hidden away far from each other and Cathedrani Keep. Asael though considered Revan a hero and in his youth was obsessed with these two items, that were practically family heirlooms and would always want to be the one to return them to their rightful place by a von Carstein’s side.   Now, Pharos had always wanted to make Asael feel better and thought that Asael was stronger than most for continuing on as he did rather than give up. So he invited Asael to train with him as even though he couldn’t use magic, it didn't mean he shouldn't be strong. Even though Asael would think that he can never become as strong as Pharos, he said yes to the training, however whenever they would train Pharos would always knock him down easily.   Their parents would always scold them as they treated Asael like he was fragile and couldn’t handle his own so they would try to teach him to be the more intelligent and historical of them. But Asael never wanted a life of a scholar, he wanted friends and the ability to help others. His father, Nazkin, would always shut his ideas down though, wanting his son to face reality for his own sake and so that he does not get hurt or manipulated by others. Believing Pharos was more than able to handle himself but Asael with his condition not so much. This attitude that his father gave him only served to frustrate Asael even further at a young age and it grew to his teen and adult years.   His mother, Kizu on the other hand while still scolding them when they would train, in other opinions was the complete opposite. She appreciated Asael’s questions and would always want him to aspire to be what he wants to be, regardless of his condition. She wanted him to be more of the diplomat between the brothers, but she too wanted Asael to stand behind his brother and assist him with his rule rather than be side by side like they both would want. This only fed into his need to want to prove himself to be better than Pharos and while he loved his brother he couldn’t help but feel inadequate compared to him.   One day when Asael was about 10 years old (or about looking like one as a Dhampir) he had been beaten again by his brother but this time all his frustration that was built up by his father and failure to beat Pharos finally got the better of him and instead of taking his brother’s hand as always, he ran from him and into the von Carstein family crypt. The crypts for an unfamiliar mind is a maze of tunnels and passageways that can get anyone lost and Asael in his fervor was definitely that. At some point he stopped in front of one of the crypts and sat there, steaming in his anger, frustration and self pity. That’s when the voice spoke to him, coming from the sarcophagus he was sitting next to.   This voice would, from here on, be a large part in Asael’s life seeming to make him feel better from his frustrations and anger, starting from getting to know who he is and being kind to him, more so than his father and as much as Pharos. Asael throughout his years would come downstairs having somehow been imparted with the knowledge to enter and exit the crypts without getting lost. The voice would entice Asael and tempt him into doing things a bit more confidently, to uphold his own opinions more, but at the same time Asael believed more in his ideals; about how the villains and those that hurt do not deserve the mercy of the law.   Of course those in his family noticed the change in his behavior, him having always had an inkling of these ideals now they were in full view, and while they taught him much more on how to not be so blunt, he still held these true and now with more confidence, he focused on his fighting styles more. Seeing his brother always fight with a quick, smaller blade, he opted for the opposite and fought with a larger blade. His brother thought it would only make it harder on him to wield such a heavy weapon but Asael went through it thinking that if he can do so then he can be stronger naturally. He also always admired the heroes in the stories with greatswords and long katanas and wanted to emulate that in his fighting style.   Eventually Asael and Pharos had come to be in his early 20s (as far as Dhampir looks go) and the voice had been speaking to him more from inside, saying that Asael was becoming strong now, he can see it, and many of his own people in the Kingdom have noticed him, this was when it striked with its offer. The voice told him that he can give Asael the power he’s coveted for so long and become stronger; strong enough to prove himself, to prove that he is not weak. But in order to do this, then he would need to do something for the voice, and that is to open the sarcophagus. Asael has no reason to distrust the voice as it has been there for him where others could not and he opens this.   The voice itself actually belonged to the old ancestor of the von Carstein family, and ancient vampire who had ruled with an iron fist. Vlad von Carstein, while he cared for his fellow vampire brethren and treated them correctly, outsiders he would treat with great mistrust and disdain, this is due to his history where vampire hunters and the like would hunt down his kind and himself before Vlad created the Cathedrani Keep and fought back against these hunters, yet he grew cruel in his dealings with non-vampires, wanting them to suffer as his kind did. He did not see vampires as others did as they do not need to kill to live unlike other species who kill their own cattle for their meats. However the rest of the von Carstein family at the time had grown tired of his nature and they rebelled against him. However as he was one if not the original vampire he was not able to be killed and instead was sealed away in a sarcophagus in the deepest levels of the von Carstein crypts to never be seen again. However over the years his power grew in secret until he met the mostly unlikely of individuals. A young child of his own blood, who shared his nature when he was a youth, Asael.   Asael, while others focused on their magic he focused on his natural strength to make up for his weaker nature. Fueled by the promise of the power he wanted to help others and maybe even the strength to run his keep; used this motivation and opened the lid revealing the decaying body of Vlad von Carstein, surprising Asael with the visage. The voice said to not worry though and that one last step is required, Asael must restart Vlad’s regeneration process and drop his blood into the body. Still with the voice enticing and tempting him to become stronger and prove his worth Asael did so and the body almost in just a few minutes started to regain its former strength and the runes and magic holding Vlad and his regeneration back broke free and the first thing that happened when Vlad awoken was the destruction of that accursed sarcophagus, alerting the nearby von Carstein priests who kept watch over the enchantment. But it was too late Vlad was free and he looked at Asael who was looking at the still regenerating body with awe, and Vlad smiled before turning into mist and leaving.   Asael was surprised and betrayed at first, feeling abandoned and used, it did not help that when the guards appeared in the chamber (the spell that kept others lost here broken) found him next to the broken now empty sarcophagus, took him to Nazkin and Kizu. His father for all intents and purposes was furious, his mother distraught, and his brother with a look of shock. None of them believing what Asael has just done, releasing unto the world, his brethren, and his family the most powerful vampire, if not physical immortal unto the world and for what. Asael was furious back, having been tired of being treated like less than everyone told them he was tired of this and thought that Vlad could help and why not? Because he killed people who threatened his family? Nazkin had heard enough and now knowing that Asael could never understand did the unthinkable, even at Kizu’s and Pharos’ protest. He practically disowned Asael, relinquishing him of his claim to the throne and exiling him from Cathedrani Keep and warning him to never come back or he will be treated as a traitor to the Kingdom.   Asael was given one day only to gather his things, say goodbye to his family and friends; which he actually had some friends who didn’t disagree with him but others had heard of what he did and did not even talk to him. His brother and mother looked at him with shame in their goodbyes but at least they did, as his own father refused to see him, preparing his armies for the creature that was unleashed. Asael then left with only his personal Greatsword in hand (tempted to take the family one but deciding against it) family armor he took, and supplies.   The night he camped though he was met with a fully regenerated Vlad von Carstein and Asael yelled that he had lied and abandoned him to his family, who had now exiled and disowned him. Vlad on the other hand explained he was not ready nor strong enough to take Asael with him and that if he had stayed they would have thought him under his control and killed him along with Vlad. Now that Vlad had his strength returned he told Asael that he does not have nothing, to make a pact with Vlad, promising Asael not only the power he coveted but to eventually return to his own Keep. Asael having nothing left now but the thing he unleashed, agreed to these terms but as long as Vlad knows that he will use this power like Vlad did in the beginning of his life. To fight injustice. Vlad smiled at Asael’s young naivety and agreed sealing their pact and then Vlad gave Asael his first mission, to explore the world, see what humanity and the races have to offer and he promised that Asael will see why Vlad did what he did. He also teased Asael and said that he knows the location of the mask and sword he seeked when he was young and that in time he will let Asael know where they both lied. And so Asael with his newfound power did just that, having no family or friends to go back to, he set out to find a new one.   Vlad von Carstein on the other hand now free had his own plans.

Gender Identity





He had a noble born education specializing in the history and accomplishments of heroes


Mercenary for the Shifting Tides

Failures & Embarrassments

Releasing his ancestor, Vlad von Carstein, that was locked away.

Mental Trauma

Being manipulated by Vlad and then becoming exiled by his family

Intellectual Characteristics

He is more book and history smart than he is street smart

Morality & Philosophy

He believes that there should be done the most to help those who are innocent even if it may not be lawful. When it comes to those who kill or do evil deeds he has no mercy however, he believes they must be punished severely.


Killing innocents needlessly

Personality Characteristics


To become a great hero and return to his family showing them that he too can be great

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: spicy food, reading hero stories, smithing   Dislikes: broccoli, bullies, being treated like a child or invalid

Virtues & Personality perks

A willingness to learn

Vices & Personality flaws

Lack of self confidence


He will try to keep himself clean but forgets when blood is splattered on him oddly.


Contacts & Relations

Vlad von Carstein- his patron

Family Ties

Nazkin von Carstein- Father Kizu von Carstein- Mother Pharos von Carstein- Brother

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

He might miss some social queues but has been taught the basics


Friendly and starry eyed

Hobbies & Pets

He has found a taste for smithing.


british sounding

A bright starry eyed dhampir who wishes to make a name for himself and try to be one of the best greatsword fighters alive while helping those in danger

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Neutral Good
Cathedrani Keep
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Plots
Known Languages
English, Elvish, Abyssal

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Joining the Shifting Tides and the First Mission
14th of April

Thought I should I start one of these since you know, just in case of anything but also to record my adventures here. Who knows, maybe it'll be just as big as Revan von Carstein. But anyways after traveling around the continent I finally found my way to the Great Tree and to the Shifting Tides. I've heard stories that they were a Duchy with many accomplishments on their belts and real friendly too so I thought they can help teach me a thing or two about adventuring. Interesting bunch, so far I've met a few members. One of their guild leaders is a Aarakocra of all things! A parrot variant too! I've only read about them in books back at Cathedrani Keep. He was very welcoming and is one of the leaders of this tavern, the Casa Carajo. The other a dwarf templar by the name of Eric Withakay. Odd name but definitely a passionate ally to have I can tell. I hope to introduce myself to the others soon.   We were contracted on our first mission today, clear out a den of goblins and get to the end inside the mountains. I heard that these were closed off however and I can see why, the mission was headed by a few adventuring groups and rapidly we were set upon by these creatures, only these weren't ordinary goblins. They were some sort of mutated variant, I've never heard of them in my books being able to use shields and spells of all things so effectively! Some of the teams had to retreat, mines included but the others were able to push through. Luckily we brought back some valuable information about these mountain passes to the tavern and the Duchy.   Now I wait and train. I hope that I can make some more use of my family's armor, I still look for my family's sword. I know its out there. Whether broken and I'll remake it. Or somewhere out there hidden. I only know of its name. Blackrazor.


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