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The Invasion of Kestral Keep

After a glorious coronation of the king Sir Auwyne, the army of Crying Heavens was exhausted from their fierce battles and entertainment from the weekend of activities and pleasantries of said coronation. However, the men and women, led by Lord Mortis Nuntius at the time, decided since they were so close to places otherwise far away, that they would invade one of the local areas. The Freehold of Kestral Keep, despite being a freehold was actually no small fort. No the area was the size of a duchy, with members accounting for enough to accommodate for one.   The army of Crying Heavens contained the following members. Lord Mortis Nuntius, Azurea, Red the Druid, Knox, Jovalter, Ringo, Andronious, Brude of Blood, Maximillian Greil, Commodor Morgan, James, Raziel, among a few others of Crying Heavens. This small band consisting of no more than 15 people, fought Invasion rules against Kestral Keep, which housed at the time, no less than 30 people. For those unaware of what invasion rules are, it is a traditional battlegame involving one parks visiting members against a home groups park. However, the visiting group is only allowed One life, whereas the home group is allowed full lives. If the visiting group somehow manages a win over the home group, their flag may be planted on the home group, and thus the home group must become a protectorate of the visiting group. Thus, Crying Heavens attempted such a feat with less than half of the numbers of their opponent, but where numbers halfed, skill doubled. The people of Crying Heavens had one major advantage. Their synergy was absolute. They knew what spells would be most effective on such large numbers and how to strategize for what would decimate their opponents. Thus the Invasion of Kestral Keep began.   The battlefield was a fairly dense forest area, muddy, thick with grass and soil. Nature had enveloped this place as such. Crying Heavens was in a small opening in the forest, though wide enough to spread their ranks evenly. Kestral Keep began deeper into the woods, waiting for their opponents and beginning to prepare a proper ambush. Crying Heavens front lines consisted of the fully armored and well equipped Ringo, the Greatsword wielder, Maximillian Greil, James the Monk, Red the Druid, and Commodore Morgan. The sides were covered by the assassin duo Andronious, and his equally skilled apprentice Brood of Blood, assisted also by Raziel, an uncomparable scout. The back lines were held by Jovaltor the at the time titled Master Archer, after the previously mentioned Coronation, Knox the Bard, Lord Mortis Nuntius, and their one of a kind healer Azurea. In Kestral Keep, a swarm of soldiers, mainly warriors and monks, scouts, the occasional wizard and healer, led by the mighty Glen, the holy warrior.   Such the battle began. The first wave came upon Crying Heavens army with might, the warriors and monks were meant to destroy this invading force and squash them like the cur’s they were, however such a task was not going to be as easy as the defenders would hope. The front line was assisted by Mortis, preparing fingers of death for their stronger fighters, as well as Knox and Red providing backup support by Crowd controlling the incoming tide, as well as preparing a few death spells of their own (mainly Red on that front.) The assassin duo went deeper into the enemy ranks, and in their own style, began marking targets, picking off one by one with throwie, sword, and skill. Despite being surrounded, Andronious and Brude were able to take down a good five lives before needing to retreat due to wounds, and lack of shuriken. Azurea could be deemed one of the MVP’s of the battle for how well she attended to her fighters. If there was a wound on the field, or a dead man amongst Crying Heavens men, she would aid them by resurrecting them or healing their wounds, fixing their armor, giving them buffs, doing everything and anything she could. Despite all odds, Crying Heavens was not only holding their own in the battle…They were winning.   Crying Heavens ability to fight so unified was given through how much experience these players had together. Their mastery of skills and spells were not seen throughout most of the kingdom at the time, and proven through their fighting prowess. It was a terrifying display of power, and amazing to witness. Thus the army of Crying Heavens continued their plight, fighting non-stop, not letting their vigor die so easily, despite casualty after casualty being given. Down to their last man Crying Heavens fought with valor… But, even the greatest fighters of that barony could not defeat the numbers so high, as one by one spell was used up and their magic becoming more limited. Even in fighting prowess one could only do so much. Let it be stated that Crying Heavens did lose this battle, but managed to shatter some of the enemies who had 4-6 lives, with only one each to their respective names.   In the end Kestral Keep had 15 fighters left that were standing victorious. Though it was a defeat, it was one battle that left Crying Heavens as a strong proud faction. Together their greatest men and women almost claimed one of the highest numbered parks in the region at the time, and though they failed, this was only the beginning for the grand people. They would have their chances to fight again and grow more, and maybe one day take this capitol over and claim it as their own, maybe even the rest of Neverwinter, after all if they could almost beat an army of 30 with one life, imagine what they could do to the rest of the kingdom.

The Conflict


During the time of Crying Heavens, Lord Mortis Nuntius led an army of Heavens members against the Freehold of Kestral Keep, one of its neighbors. The reason being; to increase the resources, members and territory controlled by the Crying Heavens.


The army of Crying Heavens contained the following members. Lord Mortis Nuntius, Azurea, Red the Druid, Knox, Jovalter, Ringo, Andronious, Brude of Blood, Maximillian Greil, Commodor Morgan, James, Raziel, among a few others of Crying Heavens. This small band consisting of no more than 15 people.   Kestral Keep housed, at the time, no less than 30 people.


The battlefield was a fairly dense forest area, muddy, thick with grass and soil. Nature had enveloped this place as such. Crying Heavens was in a small opening in the forest, though wide enough to spread their ranks evenly. Kestral Keep began deeper into the woods, waiting for their opponents and beginning to prepare a proper ambush.

The Engagement

The first wave came upon Crying Heavens army with might, the warriors and monks were meant to destroy this invading force and squash them like the cur’s they were, however such a task was not going to be as easy as the defenders would hope. The front line was assisted by Mortis, preparing fingers of death for their stronger fighters, as well as Knox and Red providing backup support by Crowd controlling the incoming tide, as well as preparing a few death spells of their own (mainly Red on that front.) The assassin duo went deeper into the enemy ranks, and in their own style, began marking targets, picking off one by one with throwie, sword, and skill. Despite being surrounded, Andronious and Brude were able to take down a good five lives before needing to retreat due to wounds, and lack of shuriken. Azurea could be deemed one of the MVP’s of the battle for how well she attended to her fighters. If there was a wound on the field, or a dead man amongst Crying Heavens men, she would aid them by resurrecting them or healing their wounds, fixing their armor, giving them buffs, doing everything and anything she could. Despite all odds, Crying Heavens was not only holding their own in the battle…They were winning. Thus the army of Crying Heavens continued their plight, fighting non-stop, not letting their vigor die so easily, despite casualty after casualty being given. Down to their last man Crying Heavens fought with valor… But, even the greatest fighters of that barony could not defeat the numbers so high, as one by one spell was used up and their magic becoming more limited. Even in fighting prowess one could only do so much. Let it be stated that Crying Heavens did lose this battle, but managed to shatter some of the enemies who had 4-6 lives, with only one each to their respective names.


Kestral Keep held back the Crying Heavens and fought them back, eliminating their forces with 15 of Kestral's let standing.


Though it was a defeat, it was one battle that left Crying Heavens as a strong proud faction. Together their greatest men and women almost claimed one of the highest numbered parks in the region at the time, and though they failed, this was only the beginning for the grand people.

Historical Significance


This battle only grew Mortis’ and his peoples ambition towards the rest of the Kingdom. Ambitions that led to the 1000 years of Darkness.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Kestral Keep won

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