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Ysdrak City

Largest city in Ysdrak Xol, and capital city of the Holy Order of Ysdrak.
Ysdrak sits on a border of "the barren north," just on the edge of where the cold becomes inhospitable. Beyond the well trodden trading routes of Sojourner’s Stepp. Only a rough trail will lead you to it. Though if you look carefully towards the horizon you can see the steam billow from the balefire night and day.
(Entry by Scribe)


Mostly kobolds, small dragon-like bipeds.
Smaller number of dragonborn.
Small minority of other humanoids.


Gates surround the city in a blockade of poorly-machined metal stretching tall into the sky, only bowing slightly forward to make climbing a challenge. Cannons stationed across portholes on the wall ornament the gates. Serving perhaps to intimidate, or simply to distract, invading army have had to decide between quickly avoiding artillery fire, or carefully moving through the spiked traps hidden by the morning snowfall.


“We survive. Through the cold. Through monsters and mammals. We do what must be done to survive”
  The kobolds, industrious and cleaver, once fought and died for their freedom. The story goes that the dragonlings ran up north hoping those who persecuted them wouldn’t follow. The snow was bracing, and painful for a cold blooded creature. The warmth they had taken for granted was stolen. As they marched to the north, the lands became an enemy greater than any that would follow. Their numbers thinned. Their options diminished. Out of options, they reached out as one breath for a miracle. And there. In the veil of snow. Was warmth once more. A fire greater than any they have ever seen. And there they found a home in the barren north.
  Many of the inhabitants believe that Ysdrak., the dragon god for whom the city is named, breathed the balefire to life, so as to let its chosen live. Nobody knows the true story of when the flame was lit, however nothing other than the fire predates the founding of the city.

Points of interest

The Balefire, aka The Breath of Ysdrak.


Hanging from the front gates are cloths with hand painted symbols. Emblems written in draconic of each brood who found the city. Standards that have grown ragged and tattered from the elements, but still hold there own, line the wall.
  Pass the gates is a collection of impermanent structures given perminance through creative reuse; a caravan with its wheels removed is now a small shop; an upturned ship now a large dining hall. The only truly permanent things are the Balefire, the temple that towers above it, and the mines that spiral down below it.
  The city is cold. Naturally. Being this far up north the continent does not lead to favorable conditions. Especially for coldblooded creatures. However, What keeps the whole settlement from freezing over from the encroaching snow is the balefire that burns at its center. The breath of Ysdrak
  The fire stands the size of a large building. Engulfing the small reptiles who find themselves meandering around it. Perhaps in sollom prayer. Perhaps to refill a personal lantern. Perhaps just to warm themselves as the surface gives little options besides becoming layered in cloth.
Created by: Higure
Edited by: 'Xop
Written by: Scribe
Founding Date
-1000 CE
Location under

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