Devotees of Erinai
The Devotees of Erinai are a quasi-religious order who are the keepers of considerable technical knowledge and lore that was passed down by Cerelon and her lead student, Arkival Huln. They were founded shortly after Cerelon's disappearance and have since been responsible for creating and maintaining most of the automatons that walk the streets of Cerelon.
The identity and nature of Erinai are somewhat mysterious, with most adherents believing it to be a protector of machines, a sort of guardian spirit that suffuses the data sphere.
The current leader of the Devotees is Thevan Huln, a distant descendant of Arkival Huln. He holds the rank of Eminus and is served by three Eminus Adjuncts who assist him in overseeing the work of dozens of Devotees and Devotee Adepts