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Strongheart Halfling

While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel and the sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized, orderly, and industrious race. They build to last, and fiercely defend their homelands against threats that their lightfoot kin would simply flee. Northland humans familiar with the easygoing ways of the lightfoot halflings are surprised to learn that some halflings are capable of a warrior tradition and aren’t afraid to show a hint of arrogance or confidence in their own abilities and strengths. Strongheart halflings enjoy athletic contests and value exceptional skills of all kinds.
Racial Abilities: Strongheart halflings have all the halfling racial traits given in Chapter 2 of the Player’s Handbook except as follows:
  • Strongheart halflings gain one extra feat at 1st level, because they have a strong drive to compete and many opportunities to practice their skills.
  • Strongheart halflings do not receive the halfling racial +1 bonus on all saving throws. They have not experienced the same kind of adversity that the lightfoot halflings have survived.
  • Automatic Languages: Halfling, Common, home region. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Gnoll, Goblin, Halruaan, Shaaran.


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