
Madripoor is a small island nation in southeast Asia. It is located in the strait of Malaca, close to Indonesia and Singapore. It is a city-state, with 85% of the island being taken up by the city of Madripoor. The remaining 15% is primarily uninhabitable mountain.

It has its origins as a port used by smugglers and pirates, and remains a major source of criminal activity in the region, with high levels of corruption and officials willing to turn a blind eye to many forms of criminality. This history is reflected in the English name of the cover around which the port was originally constructed, Bucaneer's Bay.

The nation is a constitutional monarchy, and the head of the state is the Prince of Madripoor (currently Prince Baran). However the monarch has limited political power, and the leader of the executive is the Chancellor of Madripoor.

Demography and Population

It has a population of approximately 1,055,000 as of 2018.

The city's history and present as a trade hub, as well as its role as a haven for criminals (and lack of extrodition treaties) means it has an unusually high percentage of temporary residents and new immigrants. Currrent estimates suggest that around 71% of the population are permanent residents, of whom 43% were born in Madripoor.

The majority language is Madriporian, a creole language based on Filipino and incorporating elements of Chinese, English, and Malay. Other widely spoken languages are Filipino, Malay, Cantonese, English, French, and Hindi.


The majority religion in Madripoor is a unique variant of hinduism, brought to the island by Indian pirates in the 17th century. As of the last census, 63% of the population identified as Hindu.

Islam was the second largest religion, with the majority of the remaining popuation identifying as atheist, and small numbers of Christians, Buddhists, and followers of various indigenous and folk religions.

There is no official or state religion, but the royal family are Hindu.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Principality of Madripoor
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Madripoorian Dollar