Seknarf Nine

The jungle planet in the Seknarf System, reknowned for its large and hostile wildlife.

It is best known to the wider universe for the Menagerie Gardens of Lady Hellbender, a vast complex that is half fortress and half zoo, owned by the eccentric warlord and conservationist Lady Hellbender.

Until the 1970s, the planet was a theocracy, ruled by God-Priests who believed it was their duty to appease the monsters of the planet by feeding them child sacrifices. The child who would grow up to call herself Lady Hellbender was one of these sacrifices, but rather than being eaten, she used her love with animals and research into the native wildlife to tame the monster, returning to her home village and killing the priest.

Over the decade that followed, she waged a war of attrition against the church, building up an army of tame monsters.

Once the church had been obliterated, she constructed the Menagerie Gardens to house her pets, from which she acts as the planets unofficial ruler, and collects monsters from around the galaxy.
The Milky Way
Alternative Name(s)

Author's Note

I've taken the Lady Hellbender backstory from the Guardians video game, because it's way cooler than her comics backstory. She's been in almost no comics, but I just think space warlord conservationist is an amazingly fun concept. Also, Seknarfian is just fun to say.