Sokovian Language

Sokovian is a West-Slavic language, closely related to Czech and Slovak.

Due to the long Hungarian occupation of the area, the language also includes a number of Hungarian loan-words.

Unusually for the region, Sokovian is traditionally written using the Cyrillic, rather than Latin, alphabet. Latin script was enforced by the Communist government during the period when Sokovia was part of Czechoslovia, but the old Cyrillic script survived through religious schools. Since independance, Cyrillic has become the official alphabet and is taught in schools.

Spoken by
Native Speakers
Pietro Maximoff 
Wanda Maximoff

Author's Note
Sokovian makes no sense, due to the writers and set designers assuming that a) everything east of Germany is Eastern Europe, and b) that everywhere in Eastern Europe is basically just Russia. As a result, Sokovia is the only country in Central Europe which uses Cryrillic. My solution was to have the area be Christianised by Russian Orthodox, rather than Catholic, missionaries, since that's how writing systems most often spread in Early Medieval Europe.