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Pebble Island

    Pebble Island in Wavecrusher Bay is a small, rocky isle surrounded by treacherous waters and jagged cliffs. The island is characterized by its rugged terrain, covered with an abundance of smooth, polished stones, which gave it the name Pebble Island. Harsh winds and crashing waves have shaped the island's rocky shores, creating an otherworldly landscape that appears to have been sculpted by the elements themselves.   Legend has it that a notorious pirate captain, known as Blackbeard Blaine, buried his vast treasure somewhere on Pebble Island before mysteriously disappearing from the seas. According to the tale, Blaine's loot is said to be guarded by a spectral crew, the cursed remnants of his once formidable band of pirates. The legend warns that any who attempt to uncover the hidden fortune will face the wrath of the ghostly guardians, forever doomed to roam the island in search of their ill-gotten wealth.   Despite the cautionary tales, many treasure seekers have attempted to brave the perils of Pebble Island in pursuit of the pirate's fabled riches. Yet, to this day, no one has successfully returned with the spoils, leaving the legend of Blackbeard Blaine's treasure shrouded in mystery and intrigue.   ----   Blackbeard Blaine was renowned as a fearsome pirate whose name struck terror into the hearts of all who sailed the Stonewave Ocean. With a crew as ruthless as the tempests they weathered, Blaine amassed a staggering fortune through plunder and pillage. However, the promise of wealth couldn't quell the greed that festered within his treacherous band of cutthroats.   One fateful night, as the ship cut through the crashing waves of Wavecrusher Bay, whispers of mutiny spread like wildfire among the crew. Dissatisfied with their share of the spoils, the band of marauders conspired to overthrow their captain. In a daring and brutal coup, they attacked Blaine in the dead of night, catching him off guard as he stood at the helm of his beloved vessel, the Crimson Gull.   Despite his legendary prowess with a cutlass, Blaine was outnumbered and overpowered. The mutineers threw him overboard, casting him into the dark and tumultuous waters of Wavecrusher Bay. Legend has it that as he sank beneath the waves, Blackbeard Blaine cursed his traitorous crew and vowed that his treasure would never fall into their hands.   From that day forth, the ghostly apparition of Blackbeard Blaine is said to haunt Pebble Island, forever guarding the treasure he buried there. The wails of the crew who turned on him can be heard echoing through the howling winds, a chilling reminder of the consequences of treachery and the enduring power of a pirate's curse.