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0 - Reo, The Wanderer

As the youngest and arguably the weakest of the celestial gods, Reo doesn’t command any grand domains or world changing forces. Instead, this free-spirited deity holds a sway over the hearts of mortals. Whenever you feel the call to adventure, that wanderlust in your bones pulling you out from comfort zone towards the unknown, that is the Wanderer at work.
Some call the Wanderer the hero maker. For their influence is undeniable when it comes to the tales and ballads of those who achieve greatness. This has made Reo a common character in many stories and plays, as he is often portrayed as a supporting character to the hero. A character who pulls the hero from their mundane life so that they may ascend to greatness and achieve their destiny.
With such a prolific renown, the Wanderer covets much prayer from those seeking greatness or fame. Prayers which often go ignored by the god. This is because Reo doesn’t care for direct worship or even stoic prayer. He asks not for churches or shrines to be built in his name, only that his followers spread tales of heroism to inspire the masses. An edict which has lead Reo to favor the efforts of many bards, playwrights and performers.


The Wanderer is a shapeshifter who can alter their appearance to look like any mortal creature. A power which they use so habitually that their true appearance is unknown. With this ability to disguise their godhood and their facination for mortals, The Wanderer spends much time upon Midgaros. They choose to live among the lesser beings and walk the land as they do. Due to this, the faithful believe that any stranger they meet could be the Wanderer in disguise; a fact that Reo takes endless enjoyment in.
When depicted in iconography and texts, Reo traditionally appears as a masked individual dressed head to toe in jester’s garb. This character depiction of the Wanderer is often what appears in theatrical performances, though some playwrights prefer to keep the Wanderer’s identity more ambiguous. Instead writing them as one of the play’s supporting characters, driving the hero towards their destiny from the sidelines.

Birthsign Feature - Wanderlust

February 20th to March 8th   Once per long rest, you may reroll a failed travel check (Lead the March, Scout Ahead, etc.).
Arcana: Fool 0
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Province: Travel, Heroes, Journeys, Courage, Stories
Suggested Domains: Travel, Trickery, Chaos
Zodiac: Febraury 20th - March 8th
Symbol: A Theater Mask

  Pantheon of Gods

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