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Axe Beaks & Mounts

On the continent of Altesia, the most common mount and beast of burden is ostrich-like Axe Beaks. These biped non-flying birds are native to Altesia and can be found in the stables of most settlements and roaming the forests and hills of the region. Within this campaign, Axebeaks can be used as mounts for travel and combat, and can also be used to pull wagons and carriages.  


While travelling with an Axebeak, the rider gain's the below benefits:  
  • The rider's carrying capacity is increased by the mount's carrying capacity.
  • When riding a mount for extended travel, the mount gains any levels of exaustion recieved from failing the days Lead the March travel check.
  • If all party members have mounts, increase the number of hexes traversed each day by +1.

Taking Care of Animals

While travelling with animals or mounts, they need to be fed and watered each day. Axe Beaks are fed using animal feed, which weights 5 lb. and costs 2 gold per unit. Axebeaks also consume 2 gallons of water each day. The animal's owner/rider is responsible for tracking this information, and animals should be fed and watered while the party is camping each day.  
Between sessions there is no cost or requirements associated with feeding or carrying for your mount. It is assumed that all mounts are left with Balan at the stables and are cared for until your next excursion.

Animal Accessories

Riders may wish to equip there mounts with bardings and saddles to make their mounts more effective.  


Barding is armor designed to protect an animal’s head, neck, chest, and body. Any type of armor shown on the Armor table in this chapter can be purchased as Barding. The cost is four times the equivalent armor made for Humanoids, and it weighs twice as much.  


A saddle braces the rider, helping you keep your seat on an active mount in battle. It gives you advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. An exotic saddle is required for riding any aquatic or flying mount. Saddles can be purchased from either the Stables or the Gold Lantern for 25 gp, and they weigh 25 lb.      

Axe Beaks

There are two popular breads of Axe Beaks which are used as mounts in Altesia. These are the strong and durable Stone Talons, and the quick and focused Fleet Feathers. Both breed's have their own strengths and weaknesses, fulfilling different roles for their rider.  

Stone Talons

Stone Talon Axe Beaks are larger birds with wide frames and darker plumage (Brown, Black, Grey). While these birds aren't as fast as Fleet Feathers, the make up for it in their strength and fortitude. These tough birds have an increased carrying capacity, and make great beasts of burden for pulling carts, wagons and carriages. Stone Talons also have a tendency to be more bull headed, and less controllable than Fleet Feathers. Which makes them poor combat mounts.  
  • Carrying Capacity of 500 lb.
  • Uncontrollable in combat. Stone Talons roll their own initiative, and act independently of their rider. They will often flee if they feel threatened.
  • Strong talon attack.
  • Dark earthy colored plumage (Brown, Black, Grey).

Fleet Feathers

Fleet feathers are ideal mounts or those looking for a combat ready companion. These birds are quick, lightweight and nimble. While not as strong as Stone Talons, bearing a much lower carrying capacity, these birds are known for how well they follow their rider's command on the battlefield. The plumage tends to be yellow or golden, but can come in a variety of vibrant colors such as reds or greens.  
  • Carrying Capacity of 300 lb.
  • Follows command in combat. Fleet Feather's act on their rider's initiative and the rider can command the mount's movement freely.
  • Usually yellow in color, but can come in a colorful array of vibrant colors.

Mounted Combat

A willing creature that is at least one size larger than you and that has an appropriate anatomy can serve as a mount, using the following rules.  

Mounting and Dismounting

Once during your move, you can mount a creature that is within 5 feet of you or dismount. Doing so costs an amount of movement equal to half your speed. For example, if your speed is 30 feet, you must spend 15 feet of movement to mount a horse. Therefore, you can't mount it if you don't have 15 feet of movement left or if your speed is 0.   If an effect moves your mount against its will while you're on it, you must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall off the mount, landing prone in a space within 5 feet of it.   If your mount is knocked prone, you can use your reaction to dismount it as it falls and land on your feet. Otherwise, you are dismounted and fall prone in a space within 5 feet it.  

Controlled Mounts (Fleet Feathers)

You can control a mount only if it has been trained to accept a rider. Domesticated horses, donkeys, and similar creatures are assumed to have such training. The initiative of a controlled mount changes to match yours when you mount it. It moves as you direct it, and it has only three action options: Dash, Disengage, and Dodge. A controlled mount can move and act even on the turn that you mount it.   If the mount provokes an opportunity attack while you're on it, the attacker can target you or the mount.  

Independent Mounts (Stone Talons)

An independent mount retains its place in the initiative order. Bearing a rider puts no restrictions on the actions the mount can take, and it moves and acts as it wishes. It might flee from combat, rush to attack, or otherwise act against your wishes.   If the mount provokes an opportunity attack while you're on it, the attacker can target you or the mount.
Stone Talon Axe Beak
    Fleet Feather Axe Beak

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