BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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While similar to crafters in the sense that builders consume materials to create, there are some fundamental differences that separate builders from their crafting brethren. Firstly, builders do not have a list of crafting recipes. Instead there are a handful of different project types — notably player houses, guildhalls, and ships — that builders can construct. Each of these projects require multiple Stamina and checks to complete and can be worked on by multiple builders.
There are two types of builders, mason and carpenter, each specializing in one of the major project types. While both can build player homes, only masons can work on and only carpenters can build ships.
  • Mason [Stone] - Capable of building player houses and guild halls.
  • Carpenter [Wood] - Capable of building player houses and ships.

The Construction Process

Once a project to build something has begun — A process elaborated on within the related project type articles under the Advanced Player Guide section — Builders may attempt to contribute to the project's construction. In most cases a builder may be contacted by another adventure to help them build something, but builders may also seek out their own work or contribute to their own projects.
To contribute to a construction project, the builder must consume one Stamina and two of the associated material for your craft, stone for mason or wood for carpenter, and make a DC 15 tool check with their related tool. The related stat for these construction rolls is constitution. On a successful check, one progress is added to the construction project. On a failure, no progress occurs and the builder gains 1 karma. Prior to making this roll, it is important to declare your downtime action in #downtime-submissions. Within this post, clearly specify the project you will be contributing. If this project is owned by another player, tag their name in the post.
  1. State that you will be building with a post in #downtime-submissions. In this post, be sure to state which type of building tool you will be using and declare which construction project you will be working on. If this construction project is owned by another PC, tag their name in the post as well.
  2. When prompted by a GM or Mod, roll 1d20 + related tool bonus in #downtime-rolls. This roll cannot benefit from any temporary bonuses such as Guidance, bardic inspiration or Enhance Ability.
  3. If the roll exceeded a DC 15, the owner of the construction project increases the project's progress tracker by +1.
  4. if the roll failed, the builder gains +1 Karma.
  5. Consume one point of Stamina with "!cc Stamina -1"
  6. Consume two of the appropriate material type with "!bag -1 'Material Name'"
The following format should be used when submitting a construction downtime request to #downtime-submissions

  Once approved the following roll post within #downtime-rolls should follow the below format. The roll command for this particular roll is...
!tool "Mason's Tools" "Constitution"

Notice how there is a Discord message link in the construction roll. This is generated by clicking the additional options button (...) found in the top right of the submission message. This opens a dropdown menu with the option to "Copy Message Link". Click that and include the message link in your roll.  

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