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Character Progression


This campaign uses experience (XP) and the 5e "Character Advancement Table" found in the 5e Player's Handbook for handling character progression. Experience is predominantly earned by participating in live group-play sessions called excursions, though players may also earn experience through writing adventure logs or by participating in text based RP on Discord.


After participating in an excursion, the GM will generate an exit ticket for each player. This exit ticket takes the form of a post in the #exit-tickets channel on discord and records experience and items gained through the session as well as items lost or consumed during the session. Experience earned through excursions are the fastest method to level up, but involve the greatest effort and risk.   Players must attend at least one excursion at their current level in order to level up.
Players who coordinate with a Game Master to create an excursion are referred to as the excursion petitioner and they will receive a bonus 25% XP from participating the excursion. To petition a session, adventurers are recommended to make a post in #gm-requests

Adventurer Logs

After attending an excursion players have the opportunity to record what happened on their adventure via the submission of an adventure log. These logs can be a first-person diary, a narrative recount of the adventure, or some other detailed method of recording events. After writing a log, it should be posted as a reply the appropriate excursion article on World Anvil. Once posted, tag a the session's game master in a post and provide a link to the article. The GM will review for accuracy and provide the appropriate experience.   Experience rewarded for the submission of an adventurer log is 50 XP per character level. For example, a level 3 character will be rewarded 150 XP for an adventure log.


While excursions are a major avenue for character progression, they aren't the only source of XP. In-character conversations and scenes held through text based play-by-post roleplay on the Discord can also award experience if they are noteworthy and significant. Whether or not an RP qualifies for rewards will be determined by a @Storyweaver. To have an RP qualify for rewards, you don't need to be a great writer, or achieve a specific word count. Qualifying RP's are determined by substance and depth of character development. Unlike a traditional campaign, there isn't a single story being told. Instead, each player character is experiencing their own personal story. A story driven by the characters own actions as they seek their goal. To this end, conversations with other PCs and NPCs becomes crucially important as collaboration and the sharing of information help build towards each players goal.   Examples of a great RP would be character discovery shared between two new acquaintances, plans for the future, and defining moments. Non-Qualifying, but not by any means bad RP, would be ordering a meal and drink from the Innkeep, and discussing how you slept last night.   There are two tiers at which an RP may be reviewed as: Minor or Major.   Minor RPs reward 1 Stamina and 50 XP. These would be noteworthy roleplay conversations that build character bonds, explore the world and otherwise evolve the living story of the campaign. Most day-to-day roleplay conversations are Minor RPs.   Major RPs reward 1 Stamina and 50*lvl experience. A scene is a Major RP if the roleplay conversation holds a character or world shaping narrative. Any Major RP should carry with it an important plot significance for either the character's personal story, or the campaign's overall story.   After completing an RP with another player character or NPC, end the conversation with one final post like the below example. In this post, be sure to tag all involved players as well as the @Storyweaver role.  
RP Closed: @Viktor, @Silas - @Storyweaver, Submitted as a Minor RP
  If submitting a Major RP, in your storyweaver post to close out the roleplay, please include a few sentence justification for why you feel this roleplay holds noteworthy plot significance to your character or the world.  
RP Closed: @Viktor, @Silas - @Storyweaver, Submitted as a Major RP
This scene holds important significance for Viktor's personal story because.....
  Lastly, Not all play-by-post roleplays need to be reviewed. Shopkeeper interactions, mundane conversations, etc. all may not be significant enough to warrant XP or Stamina, but they are valuable for making the campaign world feel real. When closing one of these incidental RPs, just tag the Storyweaver and insert a break to bookmark the end of the scene. However, these will not necessarily be reviewed by Storyweavers and rewards will not be provided.  
RP Closed: @Viktor, @Silas - @Storyweaver


Game Master an Excursion

The last and final way to earn XP is by running an excursion for other players. This method is only available to approved Game Masters and rewards 1/3 of the amount of XP received by the players. In addition, GMing a session rewards the GM with an amount of gold equal the party's average level multiplied by 10.      

Server Level Range

To help ensure that players are of a similar enough power level to allow for parties to readily formed, this campaign will utilize a server wide level range. This server level range is a min and max level that all player characters should reside within. At the start of the campaign this level range will be levels 1 to 4. When a server milestone is reached, typically the defeat of a challenging boss within the Tower of Ascension, the server level range will increase by 1. For example, after a group of adventurers clears the first tower boss, the level range for all players will increase from a level range of 1 to 4, to a level range of 2 to 5.   Players below the minimum level range, are rewarded with enough experience to advance to the minimum server level. In addition, any new characters created on the server join the campaign at at the server's minimum level instead of level 1.   Players at the server's maximum level receive half the normal amount of experience from all sources.  

Current Server Level Range: 1 to 4

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