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Crafting Materials


The heart of any craft are the materials it is made from, and crafting in Verdigras is no different. Within this campaign, materials are divided into six different categories, these are:
  • Stone (Mason)
  • Wood (Carpenter)
  • Metal (Smith, Jeweler and Tinkerer)
  • Crystals (Alchemist and Jeweler)
  • Reagents (Alchemist, Tinkerer and Scroll Crafter)
  • Textiles (Weaver)
Each type of crafter uses one or two of these categories to create their goods. For example, an Alchemist can utilize both reagents and crystals, but they may not use any of the other material categories.
Each resource, regardless of type, is not given a gold value and is instead recorded as a unit of material. Although these material units may be named differently from one another, they are each of equal value and units of the same type are interchangeable when crafting. To help explain this, let’s look at an example comparing textiles. A Weaver has come into the possession of two separate textile materials. The first is a “Roll of Silk (Textile)”, while the second is a “Bundle of Thick Wool (Textile)” Both the silk and the wool are a single unit of textile material and are mechanically equivalent in every way. If the Weaver were to craft an outfit of common clothes, which takes 1 material, either the silk or wool may be used. The only difference between the two would be the narrative description the crafter creates with the outfit. These two materials can even be used together without issue. If the Weaver was instead making Fine Clothes, which takes 2 textile units, both the silk and the wool could be used together to complete the craft.
When recording Materials in your inventory be sure to always use the below naming structure:  
Material Name (Type)

Gaining Materials

Materials are not sold at local shops and can only be gathered, found, or traded for. Gathering is the most straight-forward method to gain materials and can be done as a downtime action. Downtime gathering is easy and safe, but the local resources around Verdigras are sparse and rare materials are hard to come by. If a gatherer seeks a big score or is looking for a specific rare material they may want to post an excursion.   Finding materials on excursions into the tower is also possible, but like finding magic items you never know what you will come across or how frequently materials will be found. So while this can provide some materials, if getting materials is your goal you are better off gathering it yourself or hiring another player to gather for you. This leads into the next method of gaining materials, trading for them. Many other players will have materials that they are willing to trade for gold or items. If you're looking to get deep into crafting, it may be in your best interest to start learning who the gatherers are and to forge relationships with adventurers who will find materials on their travels.

Rare Materials

Not all materials are created equally, there are a handful of Rare Materials that can be found by lucky adventurers or knowledgeable gatherers. There are rare metals, crystals, reagents, and textiles to be found in the world and unlike common materials, these rare materials have specific names and are not interchangeable.
When crafting an item composed mostly of the same rare material, a special effect will be applied to the created item based upon its type. The below list is summary of commonly known rare materials and their effects. This list isn’t all encompassing and there are certainly more rare materials to uncover.

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