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Although the technology of firearms was once exclusively found in the arid deserts of Ramautt across the sea, they spread quickly across the world after their invention. Nowadays firearms are a widespread, and it is common to see ships with cannons or and adventurer toting a flintlock or pepperbox. However, common folk are a different story. Due to the costly nature of firearms most non-military individuals tend to stick to bows and crossbows.
Within Verdigras, Godfrey's Armaments sells some basic firearms and ammunition. However, anything more exotic will need to be crafted by a skilled Tinkerer.
While this world doesn't have gun powder, an obsidian-like stone called Ebonstone is used in its place. This stone is infused with natural fire magic, and when ground down into a powder it becomes highly combustible.
Given the expensive nature of firearms, players may not choose a firearm as part of their character's starting class equipment.


Firearms are considered martial weapons, if a character has proficiency with martial weapons they can use firearms.  

Firearm Properties

Some properties are followed by a number, and this number signifies an element of that property (outlined below). These properties replace the optional ones presented in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Firearms are ranged weapons.   Reload. The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its Reload score before you must spend 1 attack or 1 action to reload. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm.   Loading. The weapon may only be fired once within a action, preventing it from being used multiple times via the multiattack feature.  
Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon’s Misfire score, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1.
Explosive. Upon a hit, everything within 5 ft of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier) or suffer 1d8 fire damage. If the weapon misses, the ammunition fails to detonate, or bounces away harmlessly before doing so.
  Ammunition Each firearm uses its own unique ammunition and is generally sold or crafted in batches listed below next to the price.   The Gunner Feat. The Gunner Feat ignores the "loading" tag only, character's with this feat must still adhere to the rules of the "reload" weapon tag if applicable.   Repeating Shot Infusion. The repeating shot Artificer infusion negates the both "reload" and "loading" tag on a gun.  

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