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When a character expends Stamina to gather materials for crafting, they do so in the safe region surrounding Verdigras. While this region isn't abundant in resources and scarcely contains rare materials, gatherers may rest easy knowing that they won't run into dangers while they gather. Should a gatherer seek more or rarer materials, they are encouraged to plan an excursion outside the city limits to find what they are looking for.
When gathering within Verdigras' borders, first choose a gathering tool. Gathers do not need to be proficient, they just need to possess the required tools. The chosen gathering tool determines which type of material is gathered and what stat is relevant for the gathering. See the below list for details.

  • Stonecutter's Tools [STR] - Stone (No Rare Materials)
  • Logger's Tools [STR] - Wood (No Rare Materials)
  • Miner's Tools [STR] - Metal
  • Herbalism Kit [WIS] - Reagents
  • Tanner's Tools [DEX] - Textiles
  • Lapidary's Tools [DEX] - Crystals
Once a tool is chosen, the gather makes a gathering check (1d20 + [Tool Proficiency] + [stat]). The result of this roll determines the outcome of the gathering attempt. If no material is gathered, the gatherer gains +1 Karma.
1-14: Nothing of value found.
15-24: Found 1 Common Material
25+: Found 1 Rare Material (Or 2 common materials for Stone or Wood)
  In the event that a natural 20 is rolled, two materials are found instead of one.    

Gathering Process

  1. State that you will be gathering with a post in #downtime-submissions. In this post, be sure to state which type of gathering tool you will be using.
  2. When prompted by a GM or Mod, roll 1d20 + related tool bonus in #downtime-rolls. This roll cannot benefit from any temporary bonuses such as Guidance, bardic inspiration or Enhance Ability.
  3. Based upon the outcome of the roll, a GM or Mod will award you with materials.
  4. If no material was gathered, gain +1 Karma.
  5. Consume one point of Stamina with "!cc Stamina -1"
  6. If a material was gained, be sure to add it to your inventory with the "!bag +[item]" command.

Gathering Excursions

If you would like to embark on a gathering excursion but don't know where to start, you may want to strike up a conversation with NPCs in Verdigras. Ask them about local gathering spots or points of interest related to the material you seek. You may be surprised about what information they have.
If you are still having difficulty creating a gathering excursion, don't hesitate to contact a GM. They can help you create a session and recruit other adventurers.

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