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I - The Court of Beasts

If you find yourself stargazing one night you may find yourself noticing, that among the various constellations there’s a space where clearly one should be yet there’s an obvious absence of even a single star. That spot is reserved for the King of Beasts, a position that has remained vacant since time immemorial.
Every kind of beast from the smallest of field mice to the largest of dinosaurs has a spirit that claims to represent and hold dominion over them. These spirits gather at the beginning and end of each season to discuss affairs that concern their ilk in what is known as the Court of Beasts.
These gatherings are a time when concerns and grievances can be addressed; like the wolves are eating too many rabbits and the like. The spirits will plead their case, and with the aid of the assembled avatars will come to some sort of an accord. Typically, the spirits are quite cordial to one another. However, the one thing that can always stir an argument is who among them shall be named the King of Beasts.
According to legend, long ago, the gods offered the Court of Beasts a place in the Heavens in acknowledgement of their power and influence throughout Altesia. However, the space that Gods offered the Court was only large enough to house a single constellation, the King of Beasts. To this day the Court of Beasts has been unable to elect a king from among their number, leaving the throne empty along with its place in the sky.
The Court of Beasts is respected and revered among many druid circles, and some of its members have even garnered enough worships to be considered lesser deities. However, until one among their number earns the right to call themselves the King of Beasts their place as a constellation among the Gods will remain vacant.
Because each member of the Court is mainly interested in the prosperity of their respective species, worship of these avatars can vary from one to the next. Several of the shamanistic traditions that worship members of the Court even have members capable of performing miracles in the name of their “God”.

Birthsign Feature - Animal Attunement

July 4th to July 20th   Once per long rest, give yourself advantage on on one animal handling check. You may also cast the Find Familiar spell as a ritual.
Arcana: Magician I
Alignment: Neutral
Province: Beasts of All Shapes and Sizes
Suggested Domains: Nature
Zodiac: July 4th - July 20th
Symbol: This god has no constellation or symbol.

  Pantheon of Gods

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