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III - Gaia , Maiden of Flowers

Gaia is nature goddess who represents both the fields of farmland and the untamed wild. Farmers often offer her a prayer that their fields will be bountiful and their livestock fruitful. Women wanting children or heavy with one leave offerings at her shrines in hopes of receive her blessing. Many woodland beings see her as mother goddess, and she’s held in high regard among the sylvan elves that call the forests their homes.   Her clergy often preach about peace and the prosperity it brings. For while the natural world might be violent and destructive at times people don’t have to be. A soldier can easily put down their sword they held against their neighbor and pick up plowshares in their stead, with farming considered to be one of the noblest professions among her flock. War only causing suffering as fields are trampled underfoot and both people and animals go hungry.   That is not say that the goddess is a pushover though, she isn’t known in some circles as the Lady of Thorns for no reason. Nature can sometimes be cruel and unforgiving, and the goddess is no different. Although her wrath is normally reserved for those that commit the most grievous acts of destruction or exploitation of nature.  


The Maiden of Flower is often depicted as a green skinned woman whose childbearing features are often overexaggerated as a symbol of fertility. Often barefoot, her hair is floor length and is made up of ivy with wildflowers with the lingering scent of springtime surrounding her. When she wears clothes, they are made up of leaves that change color with the seasons. The goddess sleeps during the winter months beneath the earth, and it is common practice to cover images of her during this time of year.

Birthsign Feature - Green Thumb

March 9th to March 25th   Gain proficiency with either the Nature skill or a Herbalism Kit. In addition, learn the Druidcraft cantrip. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Wisdom.

Known Children

  • Boreas, god of winter and cold
Arcana: Empress III
Alignment: Neutral Good
Province: Life, Nature, Peace
Suggested Domains: Life, Nature, Peace
Zodiac: March 9th - March 25th
Symbol: A wreath of flowers
  Pantheon of Gods

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