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Player Housing

When adventurers first arrive in Verdigras, they won't have homes and will be staying in the Lion's Head Inn. Although the inn's fees are covered by mayor Papadopoulos as an incentive for adventures to stay in town for longer, the inn only offers a single room to rent. Without the ability to renovate or expand. The setup can make settling down your roots rather difficult so chances are, once an adventurer has gained enough gold they will buy a plot of land within the city to mold to their needs.   Once an adventurer is ready to buy a home, they can purchase a starter home from mayor Papadopoulos for 500 gold. These homes can be purchased for gold from the mayor by roleplaying with them at #Town-Hall.   A new home has the two below rooms.  

Bedroom (Required)

Start each session with GM inspiration.  

Open Space

A non-furnished room that can be upgraded to one of the below room options through the process of Outfitting a Room
  While the above rooms are the mechanical description of the house, players are free and encouraged to provide narrative descriptions and pictures of their new home.  

Outfitting a Room

Once you own a home, you may have a mason convert your Open Space to a functional room using the build downtime action. Like training, building a room requires multiple successful downtime checks to complete. These checks are performed by the builders each time they perform the build downtime action, and the progress of the construction should be tracked by the building owner.   To outfit your spare room, first declare in #downtime-submissions which room you would like to construct. This construction requires 10 successful build checks and can be completed by either a Mason. To start this construction tracker, the home owner should add a custom counter to their Discord character sheet using the below command in #bot-rolls  
!cc create "Construction: Room Name" -max 10 -min 0 -type bubble -resetby 0   This command generates a full tracker, and should be followed by the below command to lower it to 0 progress:   !cc create "Construction: Room Name" -10

  If the home owner is not a builder themselves, they are encouraged to seek out other adventurers with these skills to hire for this work. There are no set worker fees, and payment for such services should be negotiated between the home owner and builder.   As with other counters, to increment progress build progress on the tracker you can use the below command:
!cc "Construction: Room Name" +1
!cc construction +1

  Once a construction project is complete and approved by a @Game-Master or @Moderator, it can be removed from your trackers using the below command.  
!cc delete "Construction: Room Name"



Rooms are functional spaces within a home that can provide a permanent passive bonus as long as the player owns the home. Player homes each start with a single empty space which can be upgraded into one of these below room types

Artist's Studio

While owning this room, all work downtime performed with artistic tools (Chef's Utensils, Painter's Suppliers, or an Instrument) roll 2d10 when determining gold earned and take the higher roll.

Arcanist's Study

Scribing Scrolls and copying scrolls to your spellbook requires 2 fewer reagents, minimum of 1.


Gain advantage on training downtime rolls to gain proficiency with a weapon or to gain proficiency/expertise with the athletics or acrobatics skills.


Gain advantage on research downtime rolls.

Practice Room

Increase damaged dealt with attacks made with melee weapons by +1.


Allows for the opening of a player run shop with your own storefront discord channel for buying and selling goods.


Gain advantage on training downtime rolls to learn languages and to gain proficiency or expertise in skills based on the Intelligence stat.

Target Range

Increase damaged dealt by attacks made with ranged weapons by +1.


Increases maximum Stamina by 1

Renovating Your Home

If at anytime you wish to change a room, you can do so may starting a new construction project in #downtime-submissions. This follows an identical process to Outfitting a room, but the only 5 successful checks are required. To establish this counter on discord, use the below command.  
!cc create "Renovation: Room Name" -max 5 -min 0 -type bubble -resetby 0
Please note that all homes require a bedroom, and this room cannot be renovated or removed from the home.

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