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When using a seafaring vessel to travel during an excursion, the below rules are used in place of the normal Travel Rules.   This process follows a similar structure to the normal travel rules but with a few key differences. Most notably these changes relate to travel actions and how weather cards work.  

Ship Speed

Each ship has a movement speed value between 2 and 7 which is determined by the ship's hull type, the enchantment on their sails and any dexterity modifiers. This movement speed value is equates to how many hexes the ship can travel each day.  

1. Check the Weather

Weather plays a critical importance in determining how forgiving the seas are each day. Unlike travelling on land, there aren't different terrains to impact the travel DC. Instead, the base difficulty of all sailing travel checks is DC 10, and all increases due to the day's drawn weather card are doubled.   For example, if the weather card "Heavy Rain (+4)" is drawn, the day's Travel DC would be 18 (10 + 4 + 4)    

2. Roll an Encounter

The Game Master rolls to determine if the crew encounter any notable events on their travels. Given the vast nature of the sea, random encounters are more rare than they are on land.    

3. Perform Travel Actions

There are a number of travel actions that can be performed by party members. Each action may be performed by one party member with the exception of the assist action which can be taken my multiple party members.  

Captain's Orders [Captain Only]

Provide commands and guidance to your crew. Make a Persuassion(CHA) or Intimidation(CHA) against the travel DC. On a success, assist two crew member's with their task providing advantage on their travel roll.   If the captain performs this travel action, it is performed before any other travel actions are rolled.


Make a Whater Vehicles(DEX) check against the Travel DC to determine how well you steer the ship through oncoming waves. This is the core travel action and must always be performed by at a party member.
  • Success: Meed or exceed the Travel DC. The party travels a number of hexes equal to the ship's Speed.
  • Failure: Fail to mee the Travel DC. The party travels a single hex.

Navigator [Required]

Make a Navigator's Tools(WIS) check against the Travel DC to determine how well you navigate and discern heading. This is the core travel action and must always be performed by at a party member. On a failure, the GM determines the direction traveled on every even hex move this day. The GM may keep the ship headed in the party's chosen direction or drift one hex right or left with each movement.


Make a Water Vehicles (STR) check against the Travel DC to determine how well you navigate and discern heading. On a Success, the ship may travel one additional hex this day.


Keep a lookout for signs of trouble and points of interest. Make a Perception(Wisdom) roll against the Travel DC. On a success the GM may give you additional information about the hex or upcoming encounters. On a failure, no pertinent information is learned and the party may be left unaware to potential threats. Succeeding the Lookout action allows all hexes adjacent to where the party travels this day to be revealed.


Instead of performing an action themselves, a party member may assist an ally with their task if they are proficient in the relevant skill.

4. Move

The Captain moves the ship across the world map a number of hexes based upon the restult of the Helmsman and Sailor travel actions. If the party succeeded their Lookout travel action, adjacent hexes are revealed after each hex moved, and before declaring the next hex travelled.   A ship may only occupy a hex that has a large body of water such as a lake or ocean. Rivers may not be traversed by sailboat.    

5. Camp

At the end of the day the party turns in for the night. At this time the party can choose to have a chef cook a meal if desired. Otherwise, at this time each party member consumes 1 food ration and 1 water ration.  


One party member may consume a provision and make a Chef's Utensil's tool check against the Travel DC. On a success, any Hit-Dice spent to recover HP during the night's short rest are given their maximum value and need not be rolled. Regardless of success or failure, 1 provision is consumed and the entire party is fed (no rations need to be consumed). The chef is encouraged to provide a narrative description of the meal they cook.  

6. Night Watch

Each night is composed of 4 night watch shifts. During a shift, each attending party member makes a Perception(Wisdom) Check to spot any potential threats during their shift. Each party member can attend a single night shift without impacting their rest. Characters with the Trance racial feature, such as elves, may attend 2 night shifts without impacting their sleep.  

7. Short Rest

After the final night shift has concluded, a new day has begun and the party benefits from the effects of a Short Rest. If travelling is to continue, return to step 1 and repeat this process.

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