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Salvaging Items

If a crafter is in possession of an non-magical item which can be crafted by them, they may use a downtime action to dismantle the item and gain some of the item's materials. By expending 1 Stamina, the crafter may make a downtime submission to salvage a chosen item in their bag. As stated previously, the item to be salvaged must on the crafter's list of craftable items and the crafter must be in possession of the related crafter's tool.   Once the downtime submission is complete, the crafter must make a tool check with the related crafter's tool. This check has a scaling DC similar to gathering and yields more materials based on the outcome rolled. The amount of material recieved from dismantling may never be more than half of the number of materials required to craft the item (rounded down), to a minimum of 1 material.  
1-14: No materials salvaged.
15-19: 1 common material salvaged.
20-24: 2 common materials salvaged (if possible).
25-29: 3 common materials salvaged (if possible).
30-35: 4 common materials salvaged (if possible).
  Salvaging Rare Materials: When dismantling an item made with rare materials, a roll of 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20 on the dice yield the appropriate rare material instead of common. The above DC range still determines the quantity of materials salvaged.

Salvaging Process

  1. State that you will be salvaging an item with a post in #downtime-submissions. In this post, be sure to state which item you will be destroying.
  2. When prompted by a GM or Mod, roll 1d20 + related tool bonus in #downtime-rolls. This roll cannot benefit from any temporary bonuses such as Guidance, bardic inspiration or Enhance Ability.
  3. Based upon the outcome of the roll, a GM or Mod will award you with materials.
  4. If no material was gathered, gain +1 Karma.
  5. Consume one point of Stamina with "!cc Stamina -1"
  6. Remove the salvaged item from your bag.
  7. If a material was gained, be sure to add it to your inventory with the "!bag +[item]" command.

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