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Within this campaign there are 5 different types of sailable vessels each larger than the last. These are the Cog(2), Sloop(3), Caravel(4), Brigantine(5), and the Galleon(6). Notice that each of these ship types is accompanied by a number from 2 to 6. This number is the minimum number for player characters required to operate the vessel.   With these rules, we forgo a bit of realism to bypass the need for crews of 10 to 100 sailors. This keeps things simple and ensures that each and every player on the crew plays a core role in the ship's operation.
Use the number of players in your crew to dictate the size of the ship you wish to build. While a Galleon holds many benefits that smaller ships cannot offer, it can not be used unless you can reliably assemble a crew of 6 player characters.  
  • Cog - Minimum Crew of 2 Sailors
  • Sloop - Minimum Crew of 3 Sailors
  • Caravel - Minimum Crew of 4 Sailors
  • Brigantine - Minimum Crew of 5 Sailors
  • Galleon - Minimum Crew of 6 Sailors

Ship Statistics

Ship statistics are adapted from 5e monsters, but they have been mutated to be more applicable for inanimate vehicles.   Strength. The ships capacity. The higher the ship's strength, the more weaponry and cargo it can carry.   Dexterity. How maneuverable a ship is. Smaller ships are more dexterous. Uses: Ship AC calculation, and Movement Speed.   Constitution. Construction quality and fortitude of a ship. Uses: hit point calculation.   Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma. Ships are inanimate objects and do not utilize these stats. These are always 0.   HP. HP and damage are scaled by a factor of 1:5 when compared with a creature. a Ship with 10 HP and deals 1d6 damage would have 50 hp if attacked by a creature and it would deal 5d6 damage.   AC. Represents the resilience of the ship’s hull and the ship's manueverability. Increases with ship Dexterity and attached armor plating.   Speed. The number of 50ft hexes the ship can move a turn during combat and the number of 8 mile overworld map hexes the ship can travel in a. Increases with ship Dexterity score.   Cargo. The number of cargo "slots" the ship has, ranging from 0-6. Each cargo slot roughly equates to a carrying capacity of 500 lbs. Increased by a ship's Strength score.   Arsenal. The number usable slots for offensive weapons. This value is usually recorded as four numbers seperated by slashes - 2/2/1/0. These numbers refer to the orientation of the weapon slots and are always written as Port/Starboard/Bow/Stern. The number of available Arsenal slots on a ship is increased by the ship's Strength score.   Model. A modifying descriptor applied to the ship by the ship's builder. These descriptors increase or decrease the ship's stats but can have a large impact on the difficulty and cost of constructing the ship. Some descriptors include: Derelict, Rickity, Swift, Sturdy, Battle Ready, and Massive. The basic model, no modifications, of any ships is the "Standard" model.  

Ship Attachements

While much of a ships stat's and capabilities are determined by the ship's model and type, there are still a few attachments that can be added to ships to provide additional boons. These attachments are sails, armor plating and weapons.  


Sails are required for a ship to function, and some magical sails can increase movement or provide other benefits. Sails can be made by a weaver.  
  • Basic Sails. These sails provide no benefits beyond allowing the ship to move.
  • +1 Sails. Increase The ships speed by 1 (50 ft.).
  • +2 Sails. Increase The ships speed by 2 (100 ft.).
  • Sylph Sails. Sails crafted with the rare material Sylph thread. These sails can travel against the wind without penalties to movement.

Armor Plating

Armor plating along the hull of a ship can increase it's defenses, but applying armor plating weighs the ship down reducing the ship's Movement. All armor plating options except for Mithral armor plating reduce a ship's movement by 1 (50 ft.). Armor platings may be crafted by a Smith.  
  • Armor Plating. Set the Ships AC to 17.
  • +1 Armor Plating. Set the Ships AC to 18.
  • +2 Armor Plating. Set the Ships AC to 19.
  • Mithral Armor Plating. Set the Ships AC to 17 and negates the movement penalty of applying armor plates.
  • Adamantine Armor Plating. Set the Ships AC to 17 and negates the additional damage recieved from critical hits.

Ship Weapons


Ship Stat Blocks


Small vessel, unaligned
Armor Class: 11
Hit Points: 15 (5d6+[5*CON])
Speed: , swim: 150 ft


8 -1


12 +1


10 +0


0 -5


0 -5


0 -5

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Model - Standard
No Stat Modifications   Sails - Basic Sails
+0 DEX   Armor - None   Port Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.

A small single sail vessel managable with a minimal crew.
Minimum Crew: 2 Sailors
Arsenal: 1/1/0/0
Cargo: 1


Small vessel, unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 18 (6d6+[6*CON])
Speed: , swim: 200 ft


10 +0


14 +2


10 +0


0 -5


0 -5


0 -5

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Model - Standard
No Stat Modifications   Sails - Basic Sails
+0 DEX   Armor - None   Port Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Bow Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Bow (Front) side weapon slot.  

A small multi-sail vessel managable with a small crew.
Minimum Crew: 3 Sailors
Arsenal: 1/1/1/0
Cargo: 1


Medium vessel, unaligned
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 21 (7d6+[7*CON])
Speed: , swim: 200 ft


12 +1


14 +2


10 +0


0 -5


0 -5


0 -5

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Model - Standard
No Stat Modifications   Sails - Basic Sails
+0 DEX   Armor - None   Port Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Bow Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Bow (Front) side weapon slot.   Stern Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Stern (Back) side weapon slot.

A highly-maneuverable sailing ship.
Minimum Crew: 4 Sailors
Arsenal: 1/1/1/1
Cargo: 2


Medium vessel, unaligned
Armor Class: 11
Hit Points: 28 (7d8+[7*CON])
Speed: , swim: 150 ft


14 +2


12 +1


10 +0


0 -5


0 -5


0 -5

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Model - Standard
No Stat Modifications   Sails - Basic Sails
+0 DEX   Armor - None   Port Weapon (1/2) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Port Weapon (2/2) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (1/2) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (2/2) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Bow Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Bow (Front) side weapon slot.   Stern Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Stern (Back) side weapon slot.

A two-masted sailing vessel with a fully square-rigged foremast.
Minimum Crew: 5 Sailors
Arsenal: 2/2/1/1
Cargo: 2


Large vessel, unaligned
Armor Class: 10
Hit Points: 40 (8d10+[8*CON])
Speed: , swim: 100 ft


14 +2


10 +0


10 +0


0 -5


0 -5


0 -5

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, unconscious

Model - Standard
No Stat Modifications   Sails - Basic Sails
+0 DEX   Armor - None   Port Weapon (1/3) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Port Weapon (2/3) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Port Weapon (3/3) - Empty
Port (Left) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (1/3) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (2/3) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Starboard Weapon (3/3) - Empty
Starboard (Right) side weapon slot.   Bow Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Bow (Front) side weapon slot.   Stern Weapon (1/1) - Empty
Stern (Back) side weapon slot.

A large, multi-decked sailing ship with three masts.
Minimum Crew: 6 Sailors
Arsenal: 3/3/1/1
Cargo: 3

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