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Each character in Verdigras has an additional resource called Stamina that can be spent to perform a variety of downtime actions between excursions. Initially each player has an amount of Stamina equal to their proficiency bonus (2 at first level). Stamina may be expended to perform the following downtime actions: Craft, Gather, Work, Train, or Research. Each of these actions are explained in more detail below.   When you would like to perform a downtime action, please delcare the of downtime action you will be completing in the #downtime-submissions and provide a brief description of the activity along with any relevant details such as the name of the item being crafted, or naming the teacher who will be training you. Once a downtime request has been submitted, a @Moderator or @Game Master will review the request and respond with any required details and check DCs. Then, depending on the action being performed, the Moderator or GM will either approve the downtime, or ask for the related downtime check to be rolled in #downtime-rolls. Once approved, the character's Stamina is spent, they receive any benefits or rewards from the downtime, and the request is closed.
Each player may only have a single downtime request active at a time. You may not submit a second downtime request while the first is being processed.

Downtime Actions

  • Craft - Consume materials to craft items.
  • Gather - Gather crafting materials.
  • Work - Perform work for an employer or client and earn gold.
  • Train - Hone your skills to develop proficiency or expertise in a skill or tool.
  • Research - Investigate mysteries and learn more about the lore of the world.
  • Build - Construct player homes, guild halls and, seafaring ships.
  • Copy Spells [Wizard Only] - Copy spells from a spell scroll or available spellbook.

Recovering Stamina

A character's Stamina is regained after they return from an excursion. Upon returning from an excursion the character's current Stamina is adjusted to equal their Proficiency Bonus. If the character leveled up during this excursion and their Proficiency bonus increased, their Stamina is adjusted to match their new Proficiency Bonus.
In the unlikely event that a character gains a level between excursions and their Proficiency Bonus is increased. They gain 1 additional Stamina.

Adding Stamina Tracker to Discord

After importing your Google character sheet into Avrae, your can use the below command to add the Stamina tracker to your Discord character.
!cc create "Stamina" -title "Stamina" -max proficiencyBonus -min 0 -type bubble
This command will create a counter resource with a maximum equal to your proficiency bonus. To view this resource you can use the below command.
!cc Stamina


Spending and Recovering Stamina on Discord

As discussed above, Stamina is spent to perform downtime actions and refreshes back to it's maximum value after returning from an excursion. To spend Stamina, use the below command
!cc Stamina -1
!cc Stamina -2

After an excursion, all your Stamina is recovered and that can be done with the below command.
!cc reset Stamina

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