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When expending a point of Stamina to train for the first time, a player must inform the GM which proficiency they would like to learn. This proficiency must be a skill proficiency, weapon proficiency or tool proficiency. Once a player begins learning a proficiency, they can’t begin learning a new proficiency until their current training is completed or abandoned.
To learn a new proficiency a character is required to succeed 10 separate training rolls. Each time a player spends a Stamina point to train, they make an intelligence check with a DC of 10 + 2 for each previously trained proficiency. For example, a character who has already trained and learned two proficiencies since making their character would have a training check DC of 14. This roll may not benefit from any temporary bonuses such as the spell Guidance, bardic inspiration or the Enhance Ability spell.
A successful training check results in one success towards the required 10 needed to learn a new proficiency. A failed check does not progress the proficiency towards being learned, but it does provide +1 Karma to aid with their next attempt.
Another player who is proficient in the skill/weapon/tool being learned may use their Stamina to train you (both the trainer and the trainee spend 1 Stamina). When training with a teacher like this, the training check has advantage.
This training process can also be followed to train a proficiency to an expertise. When training for expertise, the training check is made at disadvantage. Having a player with expertise in the related skill/tool can negate this disadvantage, making is a straight roll.

Trainable Proficiencies

  • Skill Proficiencies. Skills like Athletics, Nature, and Sleight of Hand, may be trained to proficient or expertise through the training process.

  • Tool Proficiencies. Tool Proficiencies from any of the major tool categories (gatherer, crafter, builder, artist, adventurer, etc.) may be trained to proficient or expertise through the training process.

  • Languages. New languages may be learned through training. Exotic languages are more challenging to learn and training checks to learn these are made at disadvantage.

  • Weapon Proficiencies. Characters may train to gain familiarity with a new weapon. Weapon proficiencies are trained with individual weapons (longsword, pike, etc.) and not with weapon categories (simple or martial).

  • Armor Proficiencies. Proficiencies with armor types can be gained through training. However, these must be learned sequentially. To train in medium armor you must first be proficient with light armor, and to train in heavy armor you must first be proficient in medium armor. Proficiency with shields can also be trained.

Training Process

  1. State that you will be training with a post in #downtime-submissions. In this post, be sure to state which proficiency you will be training. If you have previously started training towards a proficiency, be sure to state how many successes you have earned so far. If another player is spending Stamina to train you, tag their name in your post.
  2. When prompted by a GM or Mod, roll 1d20 + Intelligence in #downtime-rolls. This roll cannot benefit from any temporary bonuses such as Guidance, bardic inspiration or Enhance Ability. If another
  3. Based upon the outcome on the roll, a GM or Mod will award you with an additional success toward your learning. If you failed the training check, gain +1 Karma.
  4. Consume one point of Stamina with "!cc Stamina -1"

Training Commands on Discord

Once your downtime submission to train is approved by a GM or Mod, the first thing you will want to do is set up a new counter using the following Avrae command.
!cc create "Training: Skill/Tool Prof/Exp" -max 10 -min 0 -type bubble -resetby 0

The tracker is created at it's maximum value (10), so the next step is to reduce the progress tracker to 0. For convenience, this can be simplify this tracker's name to "training" as the bot will assume the rest.
!cc "Training: Skill/Tool Prof/Exp" -10
!cc training -10

After receiving approval from a GM or mod, you can increase progress towards learning by 1. This can be done with the below command.
!cc "Training: Skill/Tool Prof/Exp" +1
!cc training +1

Upon gain 10 progress and completing the tracker, you have gained proficiency in the trained skill and can delete the tracker with the below command. Prior to completing a training tracker, confirm the close-out with a GM or Mod.
!cc delete "Training: Skill/Tool Prof/Exp"
!cc delete training

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