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Travel Comforts

Food and Water

While travelling the wilds outside Verdigras it is important to monitor your characters food and water. Each day of travel, your character must consumes 1 ration worth of food and 1 gallon worth of water. Failure to meet either or both of these requirements will result in gaining a level of exhaustion for each day without adequate food or water.  

Rations vs Provisions

Within this campaign there are two methods of recording food while travelling. The first is rations, which are recorded on a per person basis. Rations are a portion of travel-ready food that can feed a single adventurer for a day. Rations don’t expire, and are tracked individually by players. A provision on the other hand is a collection of uncooked produce and meats that can be prepared by a chef for a hearty meal while on the road. Unlike rations, one provision feeds an entire party of up to 6 people for a day and must be prepared by a chef while at camp. The benefit of using provisions are that a skilled chef can create comforting meals on the road that allow allies to recover more HP from Hit Dice. Provisions are always purchased by a party at the start of an excursion and any provisions not used when the party returns home expires.

Note on the spell Goodberry

The druidic spell Goodberry can create up to 10 berries that provide a day's worth of nourishment when consumed. Within this campaign, "nourishment" is taken to be equivalent to consumption of a single ration, meeting the days food requirements. That said, eating a Goodberry does not provide the benefits of a well cooked provision, nor do they bypass the need to consume 1 gallon of water each day. In addition, these berries last until the party's next long rest instead of the stated 24 hours.

Water during Extended Travels

When travelling for multiple days, a full party of adventurers each drinking 1 gallon of water per day can require a large amount of water. The obvious solution to this is to travel near a river or other source of fresh water. In the absence of a natural water source, players can bring a keg or barrel to store a large amount of water within. These options are heavy, but can be managed by characters with the powerful build racial feature or by traveling with a beast of burden or cart.  
  • A water skin weighs 13 lbs (full)/5 lbs (empty) and can store 1 gallon of liquid.
  • A keg weighs 100 lbs (full)/20 lbs (empty) and can store 10 gallons of liquid.
  • A Barrel weighs 390 lbs (full)/70 lbs (empty) and can store 40 gallons of liquid.
1 gallon of water weighs 8 lbs

Rather than altering container weights depending on whether they are full or empty, it is easiest to create two separate entries in your Roll20 character inventory. Create one entry for the empty container, and a second entry for "Water Rations" with a weight of 8 lbs. Each water ration represents 1 gallon of water, and the quantity of this item can be easily adjusted as water is gained or consumed.
  Players can also make use of the Create or Destroy Water spell to create 10 gallons of water using a first level spell slot.  

Tents and Bedrolls

When travelling, having both a bedroll and source of shelter, like a tent, is ideal. But only a bedroll is required as long as weather permits. If an adventurer sleeps without a bedroll, they gain a level of exhaustion when they awaken. If the weather card for the day has no precipitation (no rain or snow) then a tent is not required. Sleeping in the rain or snow without a tent or other means of shelter yields a level of exhaustion.
Only a single level of exhaustion can be gained during each night of camping. To spend a night in the wilderness without becoming exhausted a character must ensure that they have adequate:  
  • Food. 1 ration must be consumed or 1 provision must be prepared by the party.

  • Water. 1 gallon of water must be consumed.

  • Bedding. Sleep must occur on a bedroll or other suitably comfortable surface.

  • Shelter. While sleeping, must be sheltered from the elements when it is raining or snowing.
  Missing one or more of these items results in a single level of exhaustion each night.

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