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VII - Teshub, The Thunderer

When the deafening sound of thunder fills the sky, he is there. When a horde of thousands give a deafening roar before charging across the field of battle, he is there. And when the blood boils and someone give into their rage, he is there beating a maddening rhythm upon his drum.
Teshub is less a deity and more a primordial destructive force in the world, driven to play his song all around the world. Not every note he plays tears down walls or starts wars, but each brings about destruction in its own unique way.
Only the brave or the foolhardy seek to draw the Thunderer’s attention by offering both prayers and curses in his name. However, many will shatter a cup, burn a parchment, or make some other act of destruction in hopes of appease him before sailing the sea or starting a new undertaking.
It is said that once a year Teshub puts down his drum to observe mortals as they light up the sky with fiery explosions attempting to mimic the sound of his drum. If he is pleased with their performance the tempo of his drum slows that year to crawl, the destruction it brings few and far between. However, if he’s angered the rhythm will turn into a frenzy bringing about a year of countless woes.


Wearing nothing but a skirt like you might expect from a native from an islander, Teshub is a gray-skinned male of orcish blood. A mad look in his eyes, and an insane grin are constant fixtures for a being of raw destructive power. His hair is wild and unkept, whipping around with the frantic motions as he rapidly strikes a massive drum crafted from the bone and hide of some long-forgotten behemoth.

Birthsign Feature - The Beat of Your Own Drum

August 24th to September 9th   Once per long rest, you may ingore the first level of exhaustion you recieve. You also have advantage on saving throws against becoming deafened.
Arcana: Chariot VII
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Province: Destruction, Storms, Percussion
Suggested Domains: Tempest, War, Chaos
Zodiac: August 24th - September 9th
Symbol: A drum being struck by lightning
Pantheon of Gods

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