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XI -Solomon, The Law Bringer

The Lawbringer is the god of law, order, and retribution. He does not promote vigilantism or reckless vengeance. Instead, justice should be swift without being weighed down by sentimentals. The law is the law, and ignorance of it is no excuse.
Some theologians believe Solomon to be a warmonger and his followers fanatics, who want to bring “order” to the untamed wilds. These claims are not unfounded, as his worshippers have been known to instigate the savage humanoid tribes with their “aggressive” campaigns to bring law and order to the land.
Among the ranks of the Lawbringer’s followers you can find people of all walks of life, as he is known for his impartiality. The Lawbringer doesn’t favor good or evil, believing that either can cause injustice if left unchecked.
Many priests of the Lawbringer find their calling as judges, as they are considered beyond reproach. However, not all his priests are willing to wait to meet out justice. Some among their ranks choose to bring their hammers to bear upon those who mock the law and/or choose to live outside of it. Known as the Hammers of Judgement they act as judge, jury, and executioner out in the untamed wilds as they bring law and order to those who know neither.
It is rumored that there is a sect within Solomon’s clergy who are specialized in administering punishment to those that flout the law. These inquisitors are said to be trained in stealth and various interrogation techniques, slipping in undetected to whisk their targets away under the cover of night. Those that disappear are seldom heard from again with final judgement being administered shortly after the inquisitors receive a confession.


The Lawbringer appears to be a middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed graying beard and a balding head. Donning a suit of plate, he carries with him a book of law and a heavy maul resting atop one of his shoulders. With these tools he administers judgement upon those that commit the most egregious crimes and have gained his personal attention.

Birthsign Feature - The Pursuit of Truth

April 11th to April 27th   Once per long rest, advantage on an Insight(WIS) check to discern if someone is speaking a mistruth.
Arcana: Justice XI
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Province: Civilization, Justice, Law, Order, Retribution
Suggested Domains: Order, War
Zodiac: April 11th - April 27th
Symbol: A Hammer (Sometimes thought to be a gavel)

Pantheon of Gods

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