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XIII - Amos, The Toll Taker


Amos believes that commerce and trade should be practiced honestly, no merchant should cheat or swindle their customers. He is also the god that ferries souls to their afterlives, his fee two silver coins regardless as to if an individual is a pauper or a king. It’s a common practice throughout the land to place silver coins over the eyes of a corpse you come across if they have none, so the soul can pass peacefully.   Just like mercantile transactions, death is not something you cheat. To him spells like Raise Dead and Resurrection are not cheating death but rather forestalling the inevitable, and while some of his more “devout” faithful might frown upon the practice of returning the dead back to life through divine intervention it is not against his core beliefs. However, the undead are a different story considered to be an anathema in his eyes as their very existence is an affront that must be destroyed.  


Amos is often depicted as a bleach white skeleton dressed in the clothes of a successful merchant, which can vary from region to region.

Birthsign Feature - Death's Gambit

October 30th to November 14th   Reroll one Death Saving Throw. Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until after your next long rest.
Arcana: Death XIII
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Province: Commerce, Death, Trade
Suggested Domains: Grave, Death, Knowledge
Zodiac: October 30th - November 14th
Symbol: Two silver coins one with a skull the other with a merchant scale on their faces
  Pantheon of Gods

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