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XIX - Soliel, the Dawn Queen

Soliel is the goddess of the sun, and is associated with light and healing. Compassion and peace are her greatest virtues, and if enemies of the faith can be redeemed, they should be. Yet there are those who have no interest in redemption, who glory in slaughter and death. From the remorseless evil of the undead and fiends to the cruelties born in the hearts of mortals, Soliel's doctrines preach swift justice delivered by the scimitar's edge. To this end, she expects her faithful to be skilled at swordplay, both as a form of martial art promoting centering of mind and body, and so that when they do enter battle, their foes do not suffer any longer than necessary.

Soliel counts all non-evil gods as her allies, and considers her sister Nyx, Mistress of Night to be her greatest adversary. The two stand in opposition, as day opposes night. Despite being in constant conflict, Soliel still loves her sister and hopes that one day Nyx will see the error of her ways and turn to the light.


Soliel manifests as a bronze angelic beauty with golden hair composed of flowing flame. She emits a holy light which trickles down like liquid luminescence from one hand, while the other holds a scimitar emblazoned with radiant fire. Her holy light provides healing and sustenance, while the scimitar creates gusts of winds that remove disease and fear.

Birthsign Feature - Grace of The Sun

June 17th to July 3rd   Once per short rest, increase the healing received from a spell, item, feature by an amount equal to your character level.
Arcana: Sun XIX
Alignment: Lawful Good
Province: Sun, Light, Life, Warmth, Compassion
Suggested Domains: Light, Life
Zodiac: June 17th - July 3rd
Symbol: The Sun  
Pantheon of Gods

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