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XV - Naveer, The Pallid Prince

Known as the Pallid Prince, Naveer is the god of both hedonism and undeath. With honeyed words he seduces those to worship him, promising endless pleasure, and an escape from the fear of death. Those that choose to follow the Prince soon learn he cares little whether they live or die, treating them no better than playthings caring only for his own pleasure and power.   The debauchery his followers descend into often leave their bodies, minds, and spirits battered and broken. Leaving the Prince to pick up the pieces of these toys and mold them into something he can use. Most end up as the mindless undead; skeletons, zombies, and their ilk who fill the ranks of his legions. Others who manage to somehow retain a part of themselves are transformed into intelligent undead and are invited to join the Prince’s court, a paradise filled with the countless pleasures life has to offer them. However, they will soon realize that such a place is no paradise, but rather a hell for those who’s flesh has become cold and numb and who’s hearts no longer beat with a passion they held in life.   It is with that realization they will seethe with envy and hate for the living, as the Prince looks on with a bemused smile and raises a glass to welcome another into the fold.


The Pallid Prince is often depicted as a handsome man with pale skin and long black hair. His seductive smile is said to leave men and women alike swooning. The clothes he wears are always of the finest silks and the fragrance of flowers is left in his wake. These of course are all illusions, for those able to see through the prince’s carefully constructed veneer will discovered a corpse of rotting flesh wearing once fine but now ragged and stained garments with the stench of death surrounding him.

Birthsign Feature - Manipulator

October 13th to October 29th   Once per long rest, you may grant yourself advantage on a Deception(CHA) skill check.
Arcana: Devil XV
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Province: Hedonism, Undeath
Suggested Domains: Death, Trickery, Undead (Patron), Undying (Patron)
Zodiac: October 13th - October 29th
Symbol: A skull wearing an iron crown
  Pantheon of Gods

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