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XVII - Desna, Goddess of Dreams

Desna is an impulsive and aloof goddess who delights in freedom, discovery, and mystery. Her aloofness stems not from arrogance, but from confidence in her own abilities and her desire to be unburdened by troubles.

Some believe Desna is flighty, frivolous, and easily distracted, but she has a cold side born of loss, tragedy, and battle. As a luck goddess, she always believes there is a chance for success, but knows that dreams can turn to nightmares and bright destinies can become dark fates; these opposites in her own nature define her and give her things to strive against. She challenges those who would corrupt her domain or who have wronged her friends or followers, striking at them with burning starlight and bad luck.

Although her dominion over dreams and stars means that many seers, diviners, and mystics revere her as an informal goddess of prophecy, she delights in the freedom of people to choose their own destiny. She prefers to use prophecy as a tool for exploration and creating choices, not for limiting action and snuffing hope, and finds “doom and gloom” prophecies and those that seem to guarantee good people will commit horrible acts. She hands out such warnings only in the direst circumstances, generally in dreams, and if she must send dreams that portend despair, she may grace a follower in need with the benefit of a helpful spell upon awakening (such as aid, manic vestment, prayer, protection from evil, or remove fear) that persists throughout the day. Thus does she pair dark portents with hope that the outcome may still be bright.


Desna is often described as a beautiful elven woman, with butterfly wings containing all the beauty of a clear night sky. She is often depicted as having dark hair, silvery eyes, and a coy but distant smile, wearing diaphanous gowns and sometimes accompanied by swarms of butterflies.  

Birthsign Feature - Oneiromancy

September 10th to September 27th   You may request a GM to provide you with a vivid and insightful dream about a topic of your choice. These dreams are roleplayed as a 1 on 1 text RP, and may only occur a maximum of once per month.
Arcana: Star XVII
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Province: Dreams, Travel, Freedom, Beauty
Suggested Domains: Dreams, Chaos, Travel
Zodiac: September 10th - September 27th
Symbol: A purple butterfly with a star, sun and moon pattern upon its wings.
Pantheon of Gods

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