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XX - Sphira, The World-Phoenix

The celestial known as the World-Phoenix is a paradoxical by its very nature; representing both beginning and end, life and death, creation and destruction. Through its death the world of Midgaros was created, and through its rebirth the world of Midgaros will be destroyed. Since the dawn of time, it has gone through an endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
During the beginning of its life, the World-Phoenix burns brightly with a radiant fire that causes the even the stars to recede from the sky. However, as eons pass its heat and light diminishes until finally the flames that once burned so very brightly are finally snuffed out.
The World-Phoenix’s death marks the re-emergence of the constellations along with the gods as the world is born anew from its ashes in the form of an egg. Countless civilizations will rise and fall upon the shell of this egg as the World-Phoenix remains dormant, as nothing short of a cataclysmic event can cause it to stir.
The World-Phoenix’s rebirth marks the end of the world, as it hatches from the egg after eons. Its light burning brightly once more and bringing the cycle full circle as the world built upon its shell is destroyed in fire.
There are many different sects that worship the World-Phoenix, each with conflicting beliefs. Some see the World-Phoenix as a creator while others believe it's a destroyer. As for the World-Phoenix itself, it doesn’t seem to care what aspect mortals hold reverence for, asking very little of its followers beyond the conviction in their hearts that they are doing the celestials will.
There are few temples to the World-Phoenix, with shrines devoted to it being put to the flame during the summer solstice, only to be rebuilt shortly there afterwards. These shrines are normally surrounded by pines that grow rapidly and release their seeds when they are caught up in the yearly fire that often spreads to the nearby trees.

Birthsign Feature - Awakened Soul

January 1st to January 17th   Your soul returns more easily from the land beyond. At character creation set you Death DC to 5 instead of the standard 10.
Arcana: Judgement XX
Alignment: Neutral
Province: Beginnings and Ends, Creation and Destruction, Life and Death, Cycles
Suggested Domains: Life, Death
Zodiac: January 1st - January 17th
Symbol: A Feather

Pantheon of Gods

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