Leaves of the Arctic Creeper


Leaves of a light grey, and bloom of an ashy blue, it blends in well among the snowy environment it grows in. The blooms produce a natural minty scent, and taste. The leaves themselves hold an almost overpowering mint flavor when consumed, it´s flavor and other properties are capable of being being boiled into water or other liquid solvents.


TBA (Other Ingredients on opposite spectrum, possible potions)


Material Characteristics

Leaves of a light grey, and bloom of an ashy blue, it blends in well among the snowy environment it grows in.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Cool to the touch, poisonous


"Suspicious Tea" - When used in junction with the Arctic Creeper's root, it can be used to make a refreshing tea. The only downside is the poison.

Geology & Geography

Mountainous island of Skanda to the north of the Clockwork Isles

Life & Expiration

When dried, the leaves can last from 1 to 2 years.   When steeped in a solvent, it can last from 5 days to a week, in the right conditions.

History & Usage



Everyday use

When Dried, the Arctic Creeper's leaves can used as a non-lethal poison. It´s minty flavor can be used to mask other poisons ingested, notably commonly used in tandem with the Arctic Creeper´s roots.   Another method of use is steeping the leaves while they´re still fresh, this will transfer some of the flavor and effects to the solvent, the effects will be much stronger this way, however not as strong as the Creeper´s roots, in exchange for a much shorter lifespan.


While the ingredient itself can be used in it´s found state, it´s effects can be greatly enhanced through further refinement and use in tandem with other ingredients in poisons.

Manufacturing & Products



Capable of freezing a mans blood from the inside, upon initial consumption effects may not be immediately noticeable, taking 25 to 30 minutes to fully take affect. It´s masking flavor can additionally hide other hazards you may have accidentally injested.


Trade & Market

Sold in the illegal underbelly of modern society by Alchemists that dip under the bright side of the law.


Can be dried and kept via a hanging rack

Law & Regulation

Highly illegal in most modern societies, however there are no regulations on it´s possession by authorized Alchemists in the Towers.
Sketch of Arctic Creeper Bloom and Leaves - Raymond
Fresh, cool, bracing, aromatic, distinct, strong-scented
Light Grey Leaves, Ashen Blue Blooms
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species
Related Professions


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