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Ras Nsi

When Ubtao founded Mezro over 4,000 years ago, in -2,637 DR, he granted his blessings on seven of his wisest followers, creating the barae. A bara is bound to defend Mezro, and in exchange they are made into Chosen of Ubtao, granting them agelessness and a special power unique to each bara. There are always seven barae. If one is ever slain, a new bara is appointed after they complete a trial in Ubtao’s temple. The oldest bara is Ras Nsi, the last of the original seven.
  For over two thousand years, Ras (a title akin to "duke") Nsi used his considerable powers in the defense of Mezro, the city he loved most dearly in the world. Ras Nsi was exiled from the city at the end of a 300-year war with a rival tribe, the Eshowe. After a desperate, doomed attack from the Eshowe against Mezro, Nsi raised a massive army from the fallen and set forth into the jungle on a bloody crusade to rid Chult of every Eshowe that remained. Nsi’s atrocities did not sit well with the other barae, who put him on trial and forced him into exile. They could not, however, strip him of his mantle as a Chosen of Ubtao.
  For over a thousand years, Ras Nsi remained devoted to Mezro, advancing its interests using his own twisted methods throughout Chult and beyond. He put his undead servants to work clearing the jungle for timber and mineral extraction, the results of which still scar Chult as the Nsi Wastes. He created a mercantile empire amassing staggering quantities of wealth ready to be spent in Mezro’s service. He menaced those settlements which might seek to threaten his former home, demanding heavy tribute. All the while, he waited to be called back to the city. It was a call that never came.
  After his beloved city of Mezro was nearly destroyed by an army of goblins in the Year of the Helm (1362 DR), Ras Nsi’s patience with King Osaw and the other barae ran out, and he raised an army of undead to free the city of its misguided rulers. He was defeated before he could enact his ambitions, and Mezro was sundered to ruin in the chaos of the Spellplague before he could consolidate his strength for another attempt.
  According to legend, the barae would be reduced to ash if Mezro should ever fall, and so when Mezro was destroyed thus too ended the life of Ras Nsi, leaving only his undead armies behind to roam the jungles of Chult uncontrolled.
Divine Classification
Chosen (Ubtao)
2671 DR 1385 DR 4056 years old


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