Assembly of Grongg

A giant. The bereft deity. He who walked across the sea carrying the left-behinds to a new home when his friends made kin by their ascension from Eit's pearls was bestowed. A vengeful god who values oathkeeping and helps shipbuilders and merchants as he helps tame the seas or drums up storms to wrack invading raiders of Matva, his personal sacred land. A bloody god, Grongg desires slain enemies to dedicated in his name as revenge against his kin for abandoning him and his folk.  


The assembly is entirely part of the secular structure of the land, its Ivädi holding both secular and religious power.


Regularly sponsors outside folk to do its work, including sponsoring incursions into the mainland

Public Wants

Conquer Altova


Just ritual technicians trained in complex rites, with no special moral qualities.

Grongg Role

Hallows the law and consecrates oaths, patron of an ancient line of royalty from before the Sky-Scarring.


  • Societal Domains: Oaths, Shipbuilding, Commerce, War, Revenge
  • Natural Domains: Seas, Storms, Cosmic Law


Marry exclusively in the faith. Make sacrifices of your enemies.  


Folk Magic

  • Warrior: Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Coordination, Fanaticism, Firearrow, Fireblade, Find, Protection, Vigour
  • Merchant: Alarm, Appraise, Calculate, Cleanse, Find, Glamour, Lock, Translate, Voice
  • Sailor: Bladesharp, Deflect, Dry, Extinguish, Find, Pierce, Repair, Vigour, Warmth
  • Crafter: Appraise, Bladesharp, Calculate, Coordination, Find, Ironhand, Pierce, Polish, Repair


  • Berserk
  • Reflection
  • True Weapon


  • Call Winds
  • Cloud Call
  • Clear Skies
  • Thunderclap


  • Excommunicate (Golden only)
  • Consecrate
by AI
by AI
by AI
by AI
Religious, Cult

Cover image: by AI
Character flag image: by AI


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