Assembly of the Allsworn

Unknown. The Allsworn, and their loyal kin ascended to the Darkness longago during the Sky-Scarring, in a pledge to defend the peoples of Altova regardless of their bickering or infighting. None know their true name or face, just their legend and inspiration. A noble deed, they sacrificed a life of relative peace in the fractured realms of Altova for the endless battle against the Darkness above. The brightest star shining in the God-Gate above is said to be their High Hall, guiding travellers and reminding the weak of the Allsworn's protection.   A divine being of Protection, Agriculture, Fertility, Mountains, Forests, and all things to do with love and beauty and the world, some Ivadi claim that The Allsworn was The Grandfather Star, Draska's child, who's endless battle and suffering in the Darkness above drove Draska to madness.  


In Eitva there is a single Golden Ivädi with a layer of upper clergy and temple heads beneath them, who have a layer of minor clergy serving them.   Elsewhere, each Ivädi is the autonomous leader of their own branch of the sect, with however many followers they can gather.


Assembly members are tasked with dealing out justice and defeating monsters as they wonder the world. The Eitva'n Assembly does less, but deals with more powerful foes.

Public Wants

Embody the Allsworn via a mighty ritual.


Isolated ascetics or ritually-separated persons expected to keep a distance from the world.

The Allsworn's Role

They're a protector of the weak and humble. Favored god of the commonfolk.


  • Societal Domains: Protection, Agriculture
  • Natural Domains: Fertility, Sky, Mountains, Forests, Sex and Beauty


Never make peace with infidels (foreign gods beyond Altova or monstrous deities).
by AI
by AI
by AI
by AI
by AI
Religious, Cult

Cover image: by AI
Character flag image: by AI


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