Assembly of Vangktu

Vangktu, of the Vangkab people was a peaceful man, elevated by the pearls, he expected relations to remain as brotherly as before the ascensions yet was foolish. For the others soon left with their clans and left Vangktu with no home. Unlike his similar kin Grongg, he decided he would lead his people into the snowy hills where little grows. He made peace with the world as it was during the Sky-Scarring, and taught his families the ways to live in great hardship.   Yet deep within him is a tarnished pride that he was foolish to trust Steisätyld, thus he still aids those who fight, though no matter the form or cause. Those who fight illness he aids, those who fight getting up from the sad-slumber he aids, the wilds and the people alike. Vangktu cares for all despite few seeming to care for him. A god of serenity, of the winter, of beautiful music and snow, he tends the afterlife for souls that make their way there.  


Individual congregations are independent, with their Ivädi subject to the consensus will of their followers.


Trying to expand but needs help.

Public Wants

Wants to depose a hostile royal house/government. Spoiler
It wants to claim Eitva for Vangktu


Experts in some sphere related to the god’s portfolio or nature, though trained in ritual.

Vangktu Role

Protects the soul in the afterlife, is a war god for those that fight, helped shape the world, guards sacred spots.


  • Societal Domains: God of Pride, Smithing, Wilderness Travel, Music
  • Natural Domains: Serenity, The Inner World, The Afterlife, Winter, Beasts


Honor the crafter, the life-giver, and the warrior that guards them all. Give no honor to the slink or coward or the taker who gives no gifts in return.
by AI
by AI
by AI
by AI
by AI
Religious, Cult

Cover image: by AI
Character flag image: by AI


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