The Laws of Magic

Forms of Magic

Magic, known as våd, permeates all of the world, it is the essence that forms the foundation of existence. As such, there are many different forms of magical control. The twisting, bending, and shaping of magic to attain the results that a magic user wishes.

The High Arc

The High Arc: The magic from the divine in their high halls. From calling upon mortals turned god, like the first lords, or the more primeval nature of the Great Bear Eit or the Kva'trii. Also called Divine or Godly Magic by some.

The Old Arc

Where via devotional acts in special spaces, or with special phrases, with various rituals, some can request aid from through the High Arc, the Old Arc refers to those that who are able to interact who's Äck or Form is on a different realm. Commonly practitioners use the Old Arc to maintain relations with the ancestors or to negotiate with local Kvaar to make sure all persons are heard, or to protect against harmful kvaar.

The New Arc

Some call upon others for aid, or bend their own power to change the world, wielder's of the New Arc seek to control magic outside of themselves. Through study they are able to bend the magic of the world to form limitless combinations of power, a flickering vision of the caster's ambition.

The Dual Arcs

  • The Kuvoll Arc: Where Tveit Arc wielder use the innate power of their Äck, wielders of their Kuv or Personality/Mind use their force of mind and personality to gain control over themselves and others. With sensing others' Kuv or entending their own Kuv beyond their Äck to manipulate things via telekinesis.
  • The Tveit Arc: Knowledged in that all beings house the magic of the world, some turn to the magic within them, calling their magic arc the Tveit Arc after Eit the first being, the great bear who was able to shape the world through his physical action, his innate capacity. Practitioners of the Tveit Arc vary in their application of their magic, but the enhancement of their Äck in temporary powerful bursts allows magnificent displays if seen.

The Small Arc

Where the other Arcs seek grand displays of magic, the Small Arc is a humble display to aid in the life of small issue.  

Guardians of Magic

Magic of any form requires effort for those not born with innate control of it.
  • Cults: The High Arc is nigh exclusively managed by various religious organizations which teach access to it to the dedicated. Often allied to nobility who gift regularly to the cult.
  • Royalty: The lineages of the ancient first lords sometimes are naturally gifted with the control over magic. Its presentation varies through the Arcs, and is possible regardless how much royal blood is in one's veins. Some areas have more or less dispersion of the Lords' blood throughout, with Astdrava having the most.
  • The Wise: The Wise know the ins and outs of how to learn mastery over magic, knowing ways around the gated cults or spiritual deals that the High and Old Arcs rely upon. The Wise generally hold mastery over The New Arc and the dual Kuvoll & Tveit Arcs.
  • The Primeval: The base essence of the world, some areas or objects can elevate those who immerse themselves within it, much like the golden orbs that Eit dug upon from the sea.
  • The Powerful: Within every ancient guild is a truth; Where power lies, magic forms. Not as flashy as the other Arcs, the masters of any skill generally find themselves unconsciously seeping their will into the world. (For every 1% beyond 100%, at dawn, a person has the chance of acquiring a Folk Magic associated with that skill.)
  • The Stars: Sometimes, inspiration that elucidates untold truths of the world and the magic of it.

Amount of Magic

Magical traditions, regardless of type, are rich in magic. Some traditions may have mastery over multiple Arcs, but they may not necessarily teach all Arcs equally. A tradition with a degree of mastery of a High Arc may also have knowledge of how to control the Small Arc, but it may not teach the High Arc to laymembers.  

Magic Point Origins

  • The High Arc: Destruction {Instant} (gifting the essence of one's self in material form to be released to the target being for later gift-receiving; Make thing, sacrifice thing. Greater gifts=greater MP), Sacrifice {Instant} (Some targets will accept sacrifices in any form, but others may require certain restrictions). Locations {1MP per day}. Veneration {1MP per hour}.
  • The New Arc: Sacrifice (Sacrificing Self hp either via harm or incidentally via not caring for yourself {Studying too long, etc}),
  • The Old Arc: Locations (Specific areas where the bearier between worlds thins; Trance Check; 1MP per Instant-Crit/hour-Formidable/day-Hard/week-Standard/half month-Easy/month-Very Easy). Consumption (Via consuming certain things which bridge the connections between worlds)
  • The Dual Arcs: Self {1MP per day}, Locations (Hyper specific locations; 1MP per day), Veneration/Situations (Hyperspecific; Instant upon completion)
  • The Small Arc: Self (If naturally acquired from skills, {1MP per hour}; If taught {1MP per week})

Running Out of Magic

  • The New Arc: May sacrifice hp to cast when at 0
  • Other Arcs: Willpower vs Sleep


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