Month Names
Time in the lands of Osmorn's world are conveniently divided up into 365-day years. This calendar was originally created by Elf astronomers, and was adopted by the Kingom of Oulia. The year is divided into 13 months of 28 days each, one month having an extra day on most years, and two extra days on a leap year. The months are:
in some areas "Summersday" is celebrated between Brightmoon and Heatmoon, and isn't considered to be a part of either. Those calendars usually insert the leap day, known as "Phantomwatch" between the end of Dyingmoon and the first day of the new year.
Month Name | # of Days |
Icemoon | 28 |
Frostmoon | 28 |
Thawmoon | 28 |
Buddingmoon | 28 |
Flowermoon | 28 |
Brightmoon | 29 or 30 |
Heatmoon | 28 |
Toilmoon | 28 |
Reliefmoon | 28 |
Fallingmoon | 28 |
Chilllmoon | 28 |
Clearmoon | 28 |
Dyingmoon | 28 |
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